12th August World Elephant Day: Let elephants to live in decent conditions
2021/7/13 13:15:00 本站

12th August 2021 is the 10th World Elephant Day. World Elephant Day was established in 2012 to raise people's awareness to protect African and Asian elephants.

The drastic changes in the living environment caused by climate change and rampant poaching to obtain ivory seriously threaten the survival of elephants.


Source:Baidu Baike

Elephants have been slaughtered on a large scale because of ivory. It is estimated that 100 elephants are hunted every day in Asia and Africa. People harvest the most valuable parts of their bodies, especially ivory. Although ivory trading is banned internationally, it has been counterproductive. This ban has further exacerbated the inflation of ivory prices. An increasing number of people are looking for ways to hunt elephants.

26 million years ago, there were more than 400 types of elephants on the earth, but now there are only a few types: Asian elephants, African grassland elephants, and African forest elephants. What's worse, they are seriously threatened. On average, one elephant is killed every 15 minutes. Also, their living conditions are getting worse.

【Protect elephants, CBCGDF is in action】

I.Organize an International Symposium on Elephant Day

The International Elephant Expert Working Group formed by the CBCGDF has brought together many world authorities who study elephants. It has been supported by the chairman of the "Global Initiative to End Wildlife Crime" and the CITES. Under the support of some experts in the United States, we have also received support from experts in Africa and Asia.

II. Reject the elephant show

Let Elephant Day be a festival that can make elephants happy, instead of letting them go on tour, holding elephant "fruit feasts", giving birthday parties and other activities.


Source:Baidu Baike

III.CBCGDF IFAW Invited to attend the 2018 Partner Appreciation Meeting

We have been strengthening publicity and guidance, raising the awareness of the public to protect elephants. Let more people realize that the protection of elephants as related to maintaining the stability of the ecosystem. It also contributes to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

As Elephant Day is approaching, CBCGDF called on the elephant protection work in Asia and Africa should be more comprehensive and in-depth so that elephants can have a more "decent" life and habitat. CBCGDF is willing to work with all walks of life to protect elephants and rescue endangered species.

More information will be reported through the CBCGDF media.

【Further reading】

1.  绿会:《“错位”的世界大象日活动:保护地专家在做什么?》(2021.6.19)https://www.sohu.com/a/472981812_100001695

2.  绿会:《“世界大象日”是人的节日还是大象的节日?欢迎留言讨论》(2021.6.17)https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1702779251308270729&wfr=spider&for=pc

3.  绿会:《致2018世界大象日 | 保护大象种群、抵制象牙贸易,绿会义不容辞》(2018.8.14)http://www.cbcgdf.org/NewsShow/4854/5892.html





