CBCGDF’s Recommendations on the “Cultural Industry Promotion Law (Draft for Comment)”: The Ecological Civilization and Xi Jinping Thought Should Be Included in the General Rules
2019/7/12 10:26:00 本站

Recently, China's Ministry of Culture and Tourism (MCT) has begun soliciting public opinions on a draft law on the promotion of cultural industries. Cultural industries are closely related to ecological civilization and green development. China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) has written to the Ministry of Culture and Tourismput to forward ten recommendations, details as below.


The recommendations on modification to the “Cultural Industry Promotion Law (Draft for Comment)”:

1. Article 1 [Legislative Purpose] should clearly include " Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era " and "Ecological Civilization Construction" as the legislative guiding ideology of this law. In 2018, Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and Ecological Civilization Construction have been written in the constitution, China's supreme law. Therefore, the promotion low of cultural industries should clearly take this as the legislative purpose in the general provision.


2. Article 11 [Content Legality] The relevant content of protecting the ecological environment and biodiversity and implementing the concept of sustainable development should be included.


3. Article 13 [Encouraging Creation] The state focuses on encouraging and supporting the creation of the following excellent works: Excellent works that carry forward the ecological civilization construction.


4. Article 17 "[The Support of Fund] The country plays the role of existing special funds to fund creative activities such as culture and art, philosophy and social sciences." It is recommended to join: to support the cultural creation of ecological civilization construction, environmental protection, and sustainable development.


5. Article 19 [Education Base] It is recommended that we should put "education of ecological civilization" before "aesthetic education". Because ecological civilization has been written into the Constitution, it is a brand-new civilization, is more important than aesthetic education to cultivate the basic content. Without the direction of ecological civilization as guidance, aesthetic education will lack direction.


6. Article 29 [Social Responsibility] should include "ecological civilization" in it: "cultural enterprises should stick to the guidance of ecological civilization and stick to... "


7. Article 42 [Integrity Management] It is recommended to add "protecting the ecological environment and biodiversity," and "Do not advocate the consumption of endangered rare wild animals and plants and destroying the ecological environment and biodiversity.

8. Article 43 It is recommended to add: "Evaluate or review the impact of ecological civilization on cultural film and television works"


9. Article 47 [School Training] The "ecological civilization education" should be put into the curriculum system as the guiding ideology for specialty construction and personnel training in cultural industries and other related disciplines.


10. Article 70 [Responsibility of market subjects] shall include:



(Photo credit: CBCGDF)

Original Chinese article:


By / Zheng Nanyu