CBCGDF’s China Conservation Area (CCAfa) System Improves Connectivity of Marine Protected Areas | Zhou Jinfeng was Invited to Attend the YSLME MPA Workshop
2020/1/21 15:05:00 本站

The ocean covers 71% of the earth’s surface and plays an important role in maintaining life on earth. For example, the ocean contains 97% of the earth’s water resources, produces 50% of the oxygen, affects climate change, regulates temperature, and sustains life. Dr. Zhou Jinfeng, the Secretary-General of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foudation (CBCGDF) once pointed out that the marine plastic garbage island, marine noise, mangrove endangered, coastal beach reconstruction, water pollution, extreme climate, overfishing, etc. caused by human factors have become a huge threat to marine life, human beings, and the earth's ecosystem. We must take effective actions to protect the oceans and habitats, implement the concept of a community of shared future for mankind, and build a sustainable future for mankind and nature.


On January 15th, to further promote the effective management of the Yellow Sea Marine Ecosystem bordering China, North Korea, and South Korea, "YSLME MPA Networking Workshop" was held in Dalian, China, organized by the United Nations Development Programme, the Global Environment Facility Small Grants Program, United Nations Office for Project Services and the Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem Phase II Project Office. Dr. Zhou Jinfeng was invited to attend the workshop and made a report on "Problems and Solutions on the Protection of Migratory Species in the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea Ecosystem Under the Guidance of Ecological Civil". Starting from the advice and suggestions, first-line rescue, science popularization, and education, and facilities construction of rare species such as spotted seal and oriental stork, he elaborated how CBCGDF could give full play to the power of China Conservation Area (CCAfa) system and jointly promote the protection of migratory species in the Marine Protected Area in combination with its advantages.


Dr. Zhou pointed out that spotted seal and oriental stork are two very typical marine migratory species. To explore the protection methods of these two species has a reference role for other species. The protection work of CBCGDF is mainly carried out from two aspects: policy support and mass & public participation. First, in response to the sudden threat of spotted seal and oriental stork, point-to-point rescue and patrol activities were carried out to fully guarantee the survival of these rare species. For example, “Dalian ? Feb 11th Incident” spotted seal rescue and “Oriental Stork Starving Issue in 2019”. Second, carrying out science popularization activities, publicity and promotion precisely. For example, volunteers went to the fishermen to carry out face-to-face education on law popularization and went to the fishpond owners' home to discuss how to keep fish to feed the oriental stork. Third, making full use of new media channels and platforms on the Internet to expand the effect of popularizing law. Fourth, strengthen communication with relevant departments, jointly hold the conservation seminar, and promote the upgrading of the spotted seal from second-level national protected animals to first-level national protected animals. Among them, the role of the China Conservation Area (CCAfa) System, that is, the first-line volunteer teams throughout the country is very significant. This horizontal, dynamic, timely and effective way, the community people's protection system with specific species as the core, is an important measure to solve the lack of connectivity of Marine Protected Area.


So far, CBCGDF has established more than 140 China Conservation Area (CCAfa) sites all over the country. Among them, there are CCA for Coral at Paracel Islands, CCA for Indo-Pacific Humpbacked Dolphin at the South China Sea, CCA for False Killer Whale at Lianyungang, CCA for the spotted seal at Panjin, and dozens of conservation areas involving the migration of marine species. At the "Seminar on Friendly Development of Nature Reserves and Surrounding Areas", the representative of CBCGDF said: we hope to strengthen the public's attention to the marine environment while protecting these marine organisms and their habitats so that more people can participate in the activities to protect the marine health and diversity of marine organisms.


The development of Marine Protected Areas is of great importance to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals. Social organizations need to promote the formulation of marine connectivity protection policies and expand people's correct understanding of marine protection by giving full play to their advantages and through their work in such fields as science, planning, management, governance and policy, help to restore and sustain the ecological integrity of marine protected areas, marine ecosystems (other biodiversity-rich marine areas, including key biodiversity areas) in the long term.






(Photo credit: China Conservation Area for Spotted Seal at Dalian)

Original Chinese article:


By / Xue Tongtong