Adapt Now: A Global Call for Leadership on Climate Adaption - Global Center on Adaption Released A Report on Appealing Climate Resilience and Global Leadership
2019/9/13 22:07:00 本站

In the morning of September 10th, representative of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) was invited to attend the high-level event Accelerating Adaption Action held in Beijing. The Chair of Global Center on Adaption, Mr. Ban Ki-moon, the former U.N. Secretary-General, Mr. Li Ganjie, the minister of the Chinese Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and other leading representatives participated in the activity and made speeches. The report “Adapt Now: A Global Call for Leadership on Climate Resilience” was published at the event, which calls for the global leadership to cope with climate resilience and instant actions needed for climate adaption.


Climate change is a global challenge. To combat climate change, we should stick to multilateralism and international cooperation, and put equal importance on mitigation and adaption. This report focuses on making the case for climate adaptation, providing specific insights and recommendations in key sectors: food security, the natural environment, water, cities and urban areas, infrastructure, disaster risk management, and finance. It is designed to inspire action among decision-makers, including heads of state and government officials, mayors, business executives, investors, and community leaders.


Then, what is Climate Adoption? In the foreword, several examples are listed for illustration. A young woman in Bangladesh hears a siren of an incoming typhoon and moves her family to safety; a farmer in Zimbabwe uses a new variety of maize that is more resistant to drought; in Denmark, engineers redesign city streets to make them less prone to flooding; a business executive uses data and maps on water risk to inform his investments; an urban planner in Colombia paints roofs white to deflect dangerous heat. This is what climate adaptation looks like. Adaptation can provide a triple dividend: it avoids economic losses, brings positive gains, and delivers additional social and environmental benefits. Examples like these are taking root and beginning to spread.


The report is divided into three parts with 90 pages: Part I A Call to Action; Part II Accelerating Adaption in Key Systems; Part III the Immediate Imperative: A year of Action.


Global Commission on Adaptation was officially launched by 17 states including China on October 16th, 2018 in The Hague, the Netherland to accelerate climate adaption by elevating the political visibility of adaptation and focusing on concrete solutions and sustainable development. The Global Center on Adaption is the executive agency of the Commission.


With the support of both the Chinese and Dutch governments, Global Center on Adaption China (GCA China) offers such a unique platform for climate adaption solution. Global Center on Adaption and National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation (NCSC) work together to support China to map out climate change strategy through best practices from the international community.


At the opening ceremony, Mr. Bas Pulles from the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands delivered a welcome speech. Dr. Patrick Verkooijen, the CEO of Global Center on Adaption gave an introduction to the background and guests.


The Chair of Global Center on Adoption and Mr. Ban Ki-moon, the former U.N. Secretary-General respectively made a thematic speech and illustrated the vision of GCA China. Mr. Ban Ki-moon believed that climate change is posing an increasingly serious influence on human. He called for global leadership in climate adaption and building safer, stronger and more prosperous communities around the globe.


Mr. Li Ganjie, the minister of the Chinese Ministry of Ecology and Environment, introduced China’s efforts in leading climate adaption.


Mr. Carter Brandon, the senior researcher of the World Resources Institute (WRI), elaborated the report from a technical point of view.


The panel themed with Accelerating Adaption Action was moderated by Mr. Barney of Global Center on Adoption and Ms. Aiping Chen from Global Center on Adoption China. The speakers are as follows:

Mr. Li Gao, the head of the Department of Climate Change of Ministry of Ecology and Environment;

Mr. Xu Huaqing, the Director of NCSC, Professor Chao Qingchen, the Deputy Director of the National Climate Center;

Professor Xu Yinlong from the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences;

Mr. Xie Pengfei from C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group;

Dr. Fang Li from the World Resources Institute;

Ms. Elina V??n?nen, the Senior Researcher of the Global Center on Adaption.


Stay tuned for further reports about the event.

(Photo credit: CBCGDF)

Original Chinese article:

By / Wang Yanqing