Starbucks has 3,800 stores in China, consuming more than 2 million disposable cups a day! Several agencies sent a joint letter to Starbucks calling for environmental responsibility
2019/7/9 19:13:00 本站

On July 7, several agencies jointly signed an open letter to Starbucks, recommending that Starbucks fulfill its environmental protection responsibilities. The next morning, a volunteer of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) went to a Starbucks in Beijing and sent back relevant information.


According to a Starbucks clerk, the store sells 2000 drinks a day.

If Starbucks counts 3,800 stores in China in this way, with more conservative data - let alone 700 cups of coffee and other drinks per day sold by each store, then one day the disposable cups used by the American chain group in the Chinese market will reach 700*3800=2,660,000.


Every day, a Starbucks chain makes 2.6 million disposable cups in China.

Volunteers observed that Starbucks default to give disposable cups. For hot drinks, use disposable paper cups; for cold drinks, use disposable plastic cups.


When the volunteers asked, "If I don't want to use disposable cups, do you have reusable cups here?" The clerk answered: There are about 20 reusable cups in our shop, and it is possible to use them. But it is seldom used.


Another episode is the visit of a group of experts from the UNESCAP in late May. After I took them to Peking University to visit the first campus protection area in China, some of my colleagues wanted to have a cup of coffee and then went to the Starbucks Coffee Shop in Peking University. However, another expert said, "I don't drink Starbucks coffee." He was unwilling to enter the coffee shop. The author asked curiously, "Why?"


"I don't drink any coffee from Western chains," he said. "Because the economic aggression of Western capitalist countries has destroyed the habitats, biodiversity and carbon footprint of developing countries, but they have left pollution and inequality for developing countries after they have earned their money. Their garbage has suffocated marine life. They produce a lot of plastic waste every day, but they don't have to be responsible for it.


Finally, the author persuaded the Starbucks clerk to ask for a porcelain cup and ask for a glass of cold water for him to drink. He barely walked into the shop because of his situation.


Starbucks is a chain coffee company in the United States. It was founded in 1971 and is the largest coffee chain in the world. Its headquarters is located in Seattle, Washington, USA. Starbucks China will adjust its existing management team structure on June 1, 2019. Starbucks China's existing business will be reorganized into two business units - "Starbucks Retail" and "Digital Innovation", according to the news “Starbucks Adjusts China's Management Team Structure and Establishes Digital Innovation Business Department". Report to the newly established Office of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.


Upstream news reports also show that Starbucks has entered the Chinese market for 20 years, with more than 3,800 stores in 165 cities in China, and the Chinese market has become the fastest growing market in the world.


(Photo source: Internet)

Original Chinese article:

By / Li Xue