Zhou Jinfeng: Adhere to the “Three Axioms” and “Four Principles”, Uphold Eco-Civilization Idea, and Carry Out the Restoration of Mines
2020/9/9 14:06:00 本站

After being invited to a seminar in the field of mine restoration, on September 1, Zhou Jinfeng, the Secretary-General of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) specifically shared some thoughts on the ecological restoration of mines and sustainable development, sharing as follows:


Adhere to the idea of ecological civilization and use the "three axioms" of pollution control: non-harm, non-proliferation, and full publicity (that is, full notification in all links), based on the four principles of ecological restoration: conservation, nature, finiteness, and macroscopic principles, to formulate the overall framework of mine restoration work.


In the specific details of mine restoration, excessive artificial landscaping and greening must be avoided, and it is recommended that various vegetations should be restored naturally. The landscaping should make full use of the existing foundation. For example, it is possible to build a mine museum based on the original mine tunnel and miner culture to record and display the humanistic characteristics of the industrial civilization era. At the same time, we must ensure that it is non-hazardous, non-proliferation, and avoiding landslides, dam breaks, radioactive pollution, gas leakage, groundwater pollution, etc., which are the basic work that should be done in mine restoration. At the same time, sufficient information must be disclosed to the public.


Zhou Jinfeng emphasized that it is necessary to use the above-mentioned content as the basis of work, combined with the actual environment, and promote the ecological restoration of mines at the minimum environmental cost, and implement sustainable development.


In addition, the later monitoring of mine restoration and scientific guidance are equally important. Continue to monitor the changes in the ecological environment of the mines in multiple ways, angles, and levels, for example, monitoring the distribution of local species in the restoration area, the control of invasive alien species, and the restoration of the passage of migratory species. When the change of habitat requires assistance, assistance and scientific guidance are provided according to the four principles. In the end, it will become a typical model for ecological civilization construction, which can be replicated and promoted nationwide.


(Photo credit: Pixabay)

Original Chinese article:


By / Yao Jiahui (Intern) Modified / Niu Jingmei





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