A Bumper Harvest of Arrow Bamboo in the CBCGDF’s CCA for Giant Pandas at Conglingang Helps Boost Local Efforts to Poverty Alleviation
2019/10/21 14:34:00 本站

In 2019, the arrow bamboo of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF)’s China Conservation Area for Giant Pandas at Conglingang (Jungle Hillock) (CCAfa) site is harvested. This year, the output of arrow bamboo in the Conglingang area was about 400,000 jin, which was about 30% higher than that of previous years. It increased the income for the surrounding villagers in the area.


This CCAfa site’s management team, in line with the principle of “dividing the arrow bamboos into half to villagers, leaving half for the giant pandas”, at the appropriate time, decisively stop harvesting bamboos, and post notices to stop harvesting them, send personnel to conduct mountain patrols, restrict the bamboo bidders into the mountains for acquisition and other methods, has retained 50% of bamboos to maintain the ecological balance of the forest area.


The main reason for the increase in arrow bamboo production at the China Conservation Area for Gian Pandas at Conglingang is mainly in its management team. In recent years, the continuous cultivation of arrow bamboos has improved the natural ecology of the forest. The team’s management of the forest area has received strong support and help from the community such as CBCGDF, The Amity Foundation, Tencent Foundation, QuanU Furniture Co., Ltd., and the local government.





(Photo credit: CBCGDF CCAfa site)

Original Chinese article:


By / Maggie