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Alice Hughes:认识“一带一路”倡议的环境影响并降至最低
2019/3/26 18:00:00 本站中国绿发会

2019年3月21日,中国绿发会副秘书长、中科院西双版纳热带植物研究所Alice Hughes博士的文章《认识“一带一路”倡议的环境影响并降至最低》发表在国际知名期刊《保护生物学》(Conservation Biology)上。现将文章摘要翻译如下。




上图:中国绿发会副秘书长胡丽诗(Alice Hughes)博士在3月19日在京举办的“生物多样性社会组织研讨会”上,作为第一个发言的NGO代表,谈了对于即将在中国举办的《生物多样性公约》第十五次缔约方大会(CBD COP15)的建议。摄/Linda@CBCGDF



China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) sets to create connections and build infrastructure across Eurasia, Asia, and parts of the African continent in its initial phase and is the largest infrastructure project of all time. Any infrastructure project on this scale will necessarily pass through ecofragile regions and key biodiversity areas (KBAs). This creates an imperative to identify possible areas of impact and probable effects on conservation values to facilitate adaptive planning and to mitigate, minimize, or avoid impacts.


Using the highest resolution route maps of the BRI available, I overlaid the proposed road and rail routes on KBAs, protected areas, and predicted biodiversity hotspots for over 4138 animal and 7371 plant species. I also assessed the relationship between the proposed route with the distribution of mines across BRI countries and the proportion of deforestation and forest near routes. Infrastructure, especially mining, was clustered near the proposed route; thus, construction and development along the route may increase the size and number of mines. Up to 15% of KBAs were within 1 km of proposed railways. Thus, planned and probable development along the routes may pose a significant risk to biodiversity, especially because the majority of KBAs are unprotected.


Many biodiversity hotspots for different taxa were near the route. These hotspots varied between taxa, making systematic management and environmental impact assessments an effective strategy for at least some taxa. A combination of planning and mitigation strategies will likely be necessary to protect the most important areas for biodiversity proximal to development, especially in currently unprotected KBAs and other regions that need protection. A fuller assessment of trade‐offs between conservation and other values will be necessary to make good decisions for each project and site being developed, including potentially modifying parts of the route to minimize impacts. Modification or foregoing of infrastructure may be needed if stakeholders consider the conservation costs too high.


整理/Linda 翻译/人工智能 编/Angel


李干杰:“一带一路”必须走绿色发展之路,否则走不顺利、也不可能走远 | 四建议(2018.11.5) 


