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绿会志愿者得克萨斯大学学生Jessica Mao不远万里的动物救助心路历程
2018/8/5 22:53:00 本站中国绿发会

5月份,绿会志愿者得克萨斯大学在读学生Jessica Mao联系绿会希望暑期回国期间提供十周时间志愿服务于兽医临床、动物救助方面,以便日后更好从事志愿服务工作。动物救助也是绿会工作内容之一。绿会秘书长对杰西卡主动好学、无私奉献的精神表示高度赞赏,并安排工作人员联系了杰西卡的临床实习。同时介绍了绿会在穿山甲保护方面的工作,表示可以帮助 Jessica联系提供穿山甲救助的学习的机会。十周转瞬即逝,临床学习圆满结束,Jessica作为绿会志愿者,总结了一篇临床心得,现将中文翻译和英文原文附下,分享给关注动物救助的朋友们,绿会希望给志愿者们提供更大更广的平台,助力构建人类命运共同体!


图为Jessica Mao(右一)参与袋鼠的治疗

今年夏天, 通过中国绿发会的介绍, 我有幸在北京动物医院做实习生。十周的时间,我遇到了一些我认为最伟大的人,吸取了一些教训,这将会影响我的一生。在中国的实习经历不仅使对接触过的宠物有了更深的了解还告诉了我有关他们的主人,以及中国对动物的看法是如何快速发展的。

我坚信动物是品格的良好判断者,所以, 医院工作人员是我见过的最善良的人,不应该感到惊讶。即使只是走进大楼,标志也很明显。常驻流浪猫在前面的台阶上慵懒地等待着他们的食物碗重新填充。在门后,一个受伤的欧亚隼(鹰类中的一种)栖息在笼子里。在兼做药房的接待区,医生和兽医技术人员忙着准备药物并和主人交谈着。医院相对较小,但声誉很高,宠物主人们从全城各地去到那里让他们的宠物接受治疗。工作人员诚实、高效。尽管宠物们不断流入和离开诊所,但他们仍然以衷心的关怀和无尽的耐心对待每只动物。





This summer, through CBCGDF, I was fortunate enough to work as an intern at the Beijing Animal Hospital. Over the course of ten weeks, I met some of the greatest people I’ve ever known and learned lessons that will stick with me for the rest of my life. This internship in China taught me not only about the pets we worked with, but also about their owners and how rapidly the Chinese perspective on animals is evolving.

I am a firm believer that animals are good judges of character, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the hospital staff were some of the most kind-hearted people I’ve ever met. Even just walking into the building, the signs are obvious. The resident stray cats laze around on the front step, waiting for their food bowl to be refilled. Behind the door, an injured Eurasian Hobby? perches in a cage. In the reception area that doubles as a pharmacy, doctors and vet techs bustle around preparing medication and talking to owners. The hospital is relatively small, but its great reputation has pet owners traveling from all over the city to get their animals treated there. The staff members are honest and efficient. Despite the constant flow of pets in and out of the clinic, they still treat each animal with heartfelt care and endless patience.

Their kindness isn’t just limited to patients, either. Despite my relatively poor mastery of Chinese upon arriving in Beijing, each and every one of them did their best to make me feel welcome, actively including me in conversations and directing me towards unique internship experiences. It’s thanks to them that I’ve become much more comfortable speaking Chinese, and it’s also thanks to them that I got to touch a kangaroo for the first time and actively involved in its treatment later on.

Surprisingly, the most valuable knowledge I gained during this internship wasn’t medical knowledge or trade tricks. What set this experience apart was coming to understand the differences between the role animals play in the lives of Chinese people and the role they play in the lives of American people. The subtle intricacies of the subject and how it fits into Chinese culture are impossible to fully grasp without experiencing it firsthand, which is why I’m extremely glad I was able to have such an amazing and unique opportunity.

(CBCGDF, China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation, is an independent nonprofit organization dedicated to environmental protection and biodiversity conservation. It was originated from the Milu reintroduction in 1985. As China's leading environmental NGO, CBCGDF has more than 50 staff and thousands of registered volunteers. In 2014, it become a member of the IUCN. It has been funding hundreds of grassroots NGOs and individuals and hosted many environmental & conservational events around the country to inform the people, encourage the people, and empower the people in China and around the world.)

——Jessica Mao

整理/penny  审/牛静美、Taylor  编/Angel