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Nora Bateson: 拥抱可持续发展目标的复杂性Embracing complexity of SDG
2018/7/8 21:24:00 本站中国绿发会

中国生物多样性保护与绿色发展基金会、国际竹藤组织共同主办“绿色经济与可持续发展(Green Economy and Sustainable Development)”平行论坛成功召开!本次会议由中科院院士、华大基因理事长杨焕明全程主持。


罗马俱乐部(Club of Rome)成员、屡获殊荣的电影制片人、作家和教育家Nora Bateson女士也为本次论坛发来分享题为“拥抱可持续发展目标的复杂性”的视频。其中有关于 Bateson女士“温暖数据”的文章可以在https://hackernoon.com/warm-data-9f0fcd2a828c上查阅。



Hello, I’m Nora Bateson and I work in a combination of fields that bring together things like ecology and family therapy, economy, anthropology, education and the arts, politics – it’s a strange job that I have moving through the world in this way. What I do is, I work in all these different fields to help bring in a way of seeing and perceiving the interdependency of our world - of the way that we think and the way that we have to survive. Sometimes that is about our work in society or our relationship to our family, sometimes its also about the air that we breathe, the water that we drink. It is about the way that we make money to feed our family and be within our society, to have the status and the meaning that our presence has or doesn’t have.


All of those things have to come together: that’s education, food, medicine, economy, politics, it’s our culture and the way we think, the way we see the world. It comes down to the smallest details like language, like what you had for breakfast or the way you got to work today, or the way you might present yourself in an argument with a friend. All of those things have within them this intersection of our conceptual realm, the realm of our bodily existence in the environmental world, and also our societal and cultural beliefs and interactions with other people.


So when it comes to looking at the Sustainable Development Goals, what I would like to do is apply that same lens to these incredible goals, those ideals and projects that the UN proposed. And to recognize that even though they are compartmentalized as seventeen different goals, that behind them there is a very necessary interdependency between them.


It would be a mistake to think that you could, for example, take on the vast and important project of gender equality without looking at how the thinking involved there would affect things you might not expect - like soil, like education, like the ocean life, like the economy.


So what I would like to do is to really bring us to a kind of conversation where we are asking questions and performing whatever research we need to perform around the SDGs, in such a way that their systemic and interdependent interaction is visible. Because if we make it invisible, we are going to see them as isolated projects. You might have one team working on life under the sea, and another team working on well-being for all, and another team working on gender equality or education.


Their efforts should be combined, they should be within in some kind of relevant communication with each other, because it is really a project that has many faces, but it is one project. Let me just do a little exercise with you of what happens when we zoom in to a particular SDG, and then kind of zoon out into a way of seeing that embraces some of the others. So, human beings are in a relationship not only with each other but with our environmental world - that is a precarious relationship right now, as we begin to see the degradation of our air and soil and water.


Our own existence is threatened. But, human beings, like every other organism that has existed, have a mandate. Our mandate is to feed our children. It’s really that simple, we have to feed our children– but what does it mean? It doesn’t just mean to make them breakfast in the morning, it means to live in a world in which we CAN make them breakfast in the morning. And the breakfast we feed them is nutritious to their bodies. And that their breakfast is grown in ways that wont deplete the soil or destroy the water system that they will then have to drink from. That the way the food is delivered to our shopping centers or markets isn’t creating a kind of pollution to the air that they breathe.

人类生存受到了威胁。但是,人类与其他存在过的有机体一样,都有使命。 我们的使命是养活我们的孩子。这真的很简单,我们要养活我们的孩子——但这是什么意思呢?这不仅意味着我们早上给他们做早餐,这意味着我们生活在一个可以给他们做早餐的世界。这种方式意味着,我们给他们的早餐是营养的,食物的生长过程不会令土壤退化,不会破坏我们的饮用水系统,在把食物运输到购物中心或市场的过程不会污染我们呼吸的空气。

That the processes of our own ecosystem are not violated by our own attempts to survive within it. So if we zoom all the way in… let’s say that we are going to feed the children fruit for breakfast. Some fruit and some grains, some protein and some rice maybe. If we look at where that fruit comes from, we are going to look at the environment in which the fruit trees and plants are growing. To do that, we need to also understand that the nutrients that feed those trees and plants are coming from the soil.


Those nutrients are created by the bacteria that live in the soil, the tiny microorganisms that live in the soil and feed on all sorts of organic matter in the soil. They make the vitamins and the hormones, and the various things needed for the plant to grow.


And then that plant gets picked by someone - who is that someone that is picking that plant? What kind of equality are they living in? Are they cared for? Can they feed their children? And that becomes part of the next process of delivery, and eventually it gets to our table and goes into the next generation, into their bodily systems. But their bodily systems also include microorganisms, trillions of microorganisms. Our children’s ability to even digest and get the nutrients from that food are contingent upon those microorganisms. There’s more than that though, because we also have to ask - what is the emotional and intellectual state of our children and family? Because that also affects how much our children can take in of the breakfast we have fed them, and the way they will be perceiving their world as they go off to school - which brings us to education.

接下来,庄稼被收获——谁是收割庄稼的人?他们的生活中男女平等吗?他们受到照顾吗?他们可以养活自己的孩子吗?这成为下一交付过程的一部分。最后它们被端上餐桌供孩子食用,进入下一个环节,进入他们的身体系统。但他们的身体系统还包括数以万亿的微生物。我们孩子的消化能力和从食物中获取营养的能力依赖于这些微生物。不仅如此,因为我们还必须问 - 我们的孩子和家庭的情感和智力状态怎样?因为这也影响我们的孩子早餐摄取多少营养,他们离开家去上学时感知他们的世界的方式——这就把我们引导了教育这一话题。

So, you see there is a kind of interdependency here that needs to be taken into account. You can’t really separate the soil from equality, from economy, from the oceans, from the atmosphere or the water - these things are ultimately completely interdependent.


So, to my thinking, and in my work what I am interested in, is how we can become as familiar as possible with the nature of that interdependency. What are those relationships? How are those relationships in process within each other and with us? And I call that Warm Data. The definition of Warm Data is: transcontextual information about a complex system. Now, in this case we are looking at multiple complex systems coming together.


On the one hand it’s very simple, just imagine a kid eating a bowl of fruit. But in that simple act there is so much complexity, and if we want to be prepared to really respond and protect that process in its ultimate potential, we have to be able to recognize our own role in that - our own capacities for conceiving of how we see the world in another way, perceiving these almost invisible, but absolutely vital systems that we need to survive…and that our micro-bacteria need to survive, and that the micro-bacteria in the soil need to survive.


And that requires that we treat each other and our natural world with respect.


编译/Tracy  审/Shuya  编/Angel