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2020/10/19 19:21:00 本站

译者按:“海洋连通性工作组”(Marine Connectivity Working Group, MCWG)由世界自然保护联盟世界保护地委员会(IUCN WCPA)设立。其宗旨在于制定基于科学的连通性保护措施,将这些措施有效融入国家、跨领域和全球的海洋保护政策、项目和措施,实现海洋、沿海生态系统和海洋生物的健康和可持续管理。中国生物多样性保护与绿色发展基金会秘书长周晋峰博士目前任“海洋连通性工作组”执委。

近日,绿会国际部收到来自MCWG的最新成果分享,刚刚发布了一份主题为“连接组合效应在稳定海洋保护区方面的作用”(A connectivity portfolio effects stabilises marine reserve performance)的研究报告。在这项研究中,工作组测量了禁捕海洋保护区(鱼类)幼体的分布趋势,表明性能的提高导致幼鱼供应量的波动性增加。然而,海洋保护区体系中鱼类幼体的不同步分布模式产生了显著的组合效应,从而增加了幼体供应的稳定性。现将报告内容摘译如下,以飨读者:


海洋禁捕区内珊瑚礁的利用机制  图源/MCWG, Hugo Harrison@jcu.edu.cn

按+译/JH 审/SY 编/Angel


Well-managed and enforced no-take marine reserves generate important larval subsidies to neighboring habitats and thereby contribute to the long-term sustainability of fisheries. However, larval dispersal patterns are variable, which leads to temporal fluctuations in the contribution of a single reserve to the replenishment of local populations. Identifying management strategies that mitigate the uncertainty in larval supply will help ensure the stability of recruitment dynamics and minimize the volatility in fishery catches.





Here, we use genetic parentage analysis to show extreme variability in both the dispersal patterns and recruitment contribution of four individual marine reserves across six discrete recruitment cohorts for coral grouper (Plectropomus maculatus) on the Great Barrier Reef. Together, however, the asynchronous contributions from multiple reserves create temporal stability in recruitment via a connectivity portfolio effect. This dampening effect reduces the variability in larval supply from individual reserves by a factor of 1.8, which effectively halves the uncertainty in the recruitment contribution of individual reserves. Thus, not only does the network of four marine reserves generate valuable larval subsidies to neighboring habitats, the aggregate effect of individual reserves mitigates temporal fluctuations in dispersal patterns and the replenishment of local populations.



Our results indicate that small networks of marine reserves yield previously unrecognized stabilizing benefits that ensure a consistent larval supply to replenish exploited fish stocks.



Networks of no-take marine reserves support local fisheries by ensuring a consistent supply of juvenile fish. We measured larval dispersal patterns for a highly exploited coral grouper and quantified temporal fluctuations in the recruitment contribution from a network of no-take marine reserves on the Great Barrier Reef. Although recruitment contributions from individual reserves are extremely variable, the reserve network generates a connectivity portfolio effect that successfully dampens the volatility of larval supply to nearby coral reefs. Our findings demonstrate that effective reserve networks can yield previously unrecognized stabilizing benefits that ensure a consistent replenishment of exploited fish stocks.



A connectivity portfolio effect stabilizes marine reserve performance


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