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2019/6/19 17:56:00 本站中国绿发会


近日,CITES秘书长伊冯娜·希尤萝(Ivonne Higuero)女士在墨西哥致辞,就这个问题发表了重要意见。可以预见,这两个物种的保护,将成为即将于2019年8月在瑞士举办的CITES CoP18的热点之一。经希尤萝秘书长同意,中国绿发会现将此文翻译成中文,于绿会平台分享如下。



翻译/陈姜敏 核/Linda 编/Angel


CITES Secretary-General  in Mexico to address the Vaquita and Totoaba crisis fueled by illegal international trade


The swim bladders ‘gold rush’ contravenes CITES regulations


Geneva, 30 May 2019 – Today concludes the high-level mission of CITES Secretary-General Ivonne Higuero to Mexico in response to a request from the CITES Standing Committee and a subsequent invitation by the Mexican Government.  The Secretary-General discussed with the Mexican Government and relevant stakeholders the critical status of the endemic vaquita porpoise with as few as 10-30 left in the world as a result of illegal trade in totoaba.

在2019年5月30日濒临绝种野生动植物国际贸易公约秘书长伊冯娜·希尤萝(Ivonne Higuero)结束了对墨西哥的高级别访问,以回应公约常务委员会的要求以及墨西哥政府的邀请。CITES秘书长与墨西哥政府和相关利益攸关方讨论了关于石首鱼的非法贸易及其导致世界上仅剩10-30条特有的小头鼠海豚的问题。


(图片来源/Mexico News Daily)

On 28 May, a wide range of Mexican governmental agencies, other key stakeholders, and the CITES delegation met during a one-day high-level event organized by the Mexican Ministry of Environment (SEMARNAT) and hosted by the Mexican Navy in La Paz, Mexico. Secretary-General Ivonne Higuero said: “Mexico’s excellent reputation in conservation of biodiversity and CITES regulations is being undermined by the current international wildlife crime, which is organized similar to other international criminal activities, for example, the narcotics and arms trade. (…) The story of the totoaba and the vaquita is now being told in the media and films, and those concerned and courageously battling wildlife crime are asking CITES Parties to avoid that for the first time in the Convention’s history, a species would go extinct through the impacts of illegal trade.”

5月28日,墨西哥环境部(SEMARNAT)墨西哥海军在拉巴斯举行了为期一天的高级别活动中,各个墨西哥政府机构,其他相关方和公约代表团进行了会晤。 希尤萝秘书长说:“墨西哥在保护生物多样性和公约法规方面的良好声誉,但是这种声誉被当前国际野生动物犯罪破坏了,该犯罪的组织方式类似于其他国际犯罪活动,例如毒品和武器贸易。  (...)现在媒体和电影中讲述了加湾石首鱼和鼠海豚的故事,有关人员和与野生动物非法贸易作斗争的人要求缔约方首次提出避免因非法贸易导致该物种灭绝。”

Both the totoaba (a large fish), and the vaquita (the world’s smallest cetacean), occur only in Mexico’s Gulf of California, where they share the same habitat. The totoaba is targeted because of international demand for its swim bladder, in particular in Asian markets. Both species are fully protected in Mexico and international trade is prohibited under CITES. Totoaba poachers illegally set gillnets in which vaquitas and other marine wildlife are incidentally entangled. Due to the very high value of the swim bladders, the situation escalated considerably with the involvement of organized crime and an influx of illegal fishers, resulting in the vaquita population to plummet to near-extinction, and further endangering the totoaba.



(图片来源/Omar Vidal)

Discussions at the high-level meeting focused on current actions to prevent illegal fishing and deter illegal international trade in totoaba swim bladders, protect the vaquita refuge area (the so-called polygon), and restore totoaba populations. The Mexican Ministries of Agriculture and Rural Development (SADER), Navy (SEMAR), Public Security and Citizen Protection (SSP) and the Office of the Attorney General (FGR), in coordination with other governmental agencies at the meeting, presented their many activities in the Gulf of California, highlighting how each of these supported the implementation of CoP17 Decisions concerning totoaba and vaquita.

此次高级别会议的讨论,重点聚焦在目前采取的行动上,以防止非法捕捞和阻止石首鱼鱼鳔的非法国际贸易,保护小头鼠海豚的庇护所,并恢复加湾石首鱼的种群数量。 墨西哥农业和农村发展部(SADER),海军(SEMAR),公共安全和公民保护部(SSP)以及司法部长办公室(FGR)与其他政府机构在会议上讨论,介绍了他们的许多活动在加利福尼亚湾,重点介绍了每一项关于如何支持实施关于加湾石首鱼和小头鼠海豚的CoP17决定。



Likewise, Mr. Carlos Mendoza Davis, Governor of Baja California Suremphasized the activities implemented at the state level, which are focused on responsible fisheries management, and strengthening fishers capacities to avoid detrimental impacts on species protected by environmental laws, including those listed in CITES.

同样,下加利福尼亚州州长Carlos Mendoza Davis先生强调了在州一级实施的活动中,重点是有效的渔业管理,并增强渔民能力,以避免伤害受环境法保护的物种,包括《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》所列的物种。

The highlight of the meeting was the introduction by deputy Ministers of Environment (SEMARNAT) and of Agriculture and Rural Development (SADER) —Mr. Sergio Sanchez Martinez and Mr. Miguel Garcia Winder— of a new “Initiative for sustainability in the Northern Gulf of California”, a promising integrated development plan focusing on regional governance and security, wellbeing of local communities, responsible fishing, conservation of ecosystems and wildlife, and diversifying local economies. This initiative is expected to be implemented by all relevant government agencies, in close collaboration with a wide range of local stakeholders, to improve the economic, social and ecological sustainability of the northern Gulf of California in an integrated manner and ensure sustainable livelihoods and wellbeing for the local communities.

会议主要是环境部副部长(SEMARNAT)和农业与农村发展部(SADER)介绍基本情况。Sergio Sanchez Martinez和Miguel Garcia Winder先生提出一项新的“加利福尼亚北部海湾可持续发展倡议”,这是一项有前途的综合发展计划,重点关注区域治理和安全,当地社区的福祉,捕鱼,生态系统和野生动植物保护,并促使当地经济多样化。该倡议预计将由所有相关政府机构与当地利益攸关方密切合作实施,以综合方式改善加利福尼亚湾北部的经济,社会和生态可持续性,并确保当地可持续的生计和福祉。

On a similar note, Mr. Leonel Cota-Monta?o, deputy Secretary of Public Security, highlighted the importance that the Gulf of California represents for conservation at a global level, particularly due to its role as host of migratory marine species, such as sharks, marine turtles, and whales. He noted how a significant portion of the marine wildlife sought after in Asian markets have their origin in the Gulf, and provided examples as to how the local fisheries communities have contributed to the recovery of marine species in the region. This led Mr. Cota-Monta?o to conclude that “in order to succeed in the conservation of vaquita, it is crucial to involve the local communities in the conservation initiatives”.

同样,墨西哥公安部副部长Leonel Cota-Monta?o先生强调了保护加利福尼亚湾在全球范围内的重要性,特别是由于其鲨鱼等迁徙海洋物种,例如海龟和鲸鱼。他指出,在亚洲市场寻求的大部分海洋野生动物起源于海湾地区,并举例了当地渔业社区如何为该地区海洋物种的恢复做出贡献。Cota-Monta?o先生得出结论:“为了成功保护小头鼠海豚,让当地社区参与保护至关重要”。

The large participation of so many relevant agencies in a whole government approach is very positive. The CITES Secretariat now looks forward to the further development of this promising Initiative in the run-up to the 18thmeeting of the Conference of  the Parties (CoP18) to identify clear timelines and responsibilities for implementing each of the activities, ensure strong commitments on the part of collaborating agencies, and facilitate the commitment of the necessary financing from national and international sources. The Secretariat reiterates that in addition to the Initiative, species-specific actions are needed on a short term basis.

这么多有关机构大量参与整个政府的做法是非常积极的。CITES公约秘书处希望在缔约方大会第18届会议(CITES CoP18)筹备阶段进一步完善这一倡议,以确定实施每项活动的明确时间表和责任,确保合作机构作出承诺,并促进提供必要资金的承诺。秘书处重申,除了该倡议之外,还需要在短期内采取针对特定物种的行动。

“First and foremost it is necessary to ensure full compliance with both national and international legislation in the affected region through vigorous, sustained and effective enforcement efforts, resulting in the arrest and prosecution of those involved in illegal activities and significant reduction in illegal activities currently observed. This is essential to enabling that the elements relating to conservation, local livelihoods and social development can be properly deployed”, Secretary-General Higuero added in her remarks.


The Secretariat highlighted that it stands ready to support Mexico and work with all relevant agencies, stakeholders, partner organizations and Parties to provide resources and capacity building within its means and mandate. It also exchanged views on the measures regarding vaquita and totoaba that the Conference of the Parties could adopt at CoP18 to stop illegal trade and in support of their conservation.


Equally important to activities in Mexico is international collaboration. Many of the participants brought up the issue of how this problem involved also transit and destination countries who needed to work on solutions with Mexico. Secretary-General Higuero noted that the past collaboration concerning illegal trade in Totoaba swim bladders between Mexico, China and the United States of America is commendable. The Secretary-General committed to convening a second meeting of the three countries in the near future to reinvigorate and further strengthen efforts to deal with both supply and demand related to illegally sourced totoaba swim bladders.


Secretary-General Higuero issued a rallying call:  “I hope all of you will be remembered years from now as the decision-makers that set the stage for the successful conservation of vaquita and totoaba –both are  endemic and iconic species of the Upper Gulf of California, the beautiful Sea of Cortez, the aquarium of the world.”

