To Meet the CBD COP15,CBCGDF Attends NGO Biodiversity Coordination Meeting and Multi-Stakeholder Event Organized by MEE International Environmental Cooperation Center and ClientEarth
2019/3/22 13:43:00 本站

At present, the global biodiversity loss is intensifying, and the realization of some “Aichi Targets” (2011-2020 Biodiversity Conservation Targets) faces enormous challenges. The Fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties of the United Nation's Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP15), which will be held in Kunming, Yunnan Province, China in 2020. The international community is highly concerned about China's holding of this conference and hopes to hold a landmark event. The Chinese government actively participates in global environmental governance and works with relevant organizations and institutions in various countries to promote the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, while promoting China's biodiversity conservation work and the partnership process between enterprises and biodiversity conservation.


The consensus on enhancing biodiversity conservation requires the joint efforts of the government and all sectors of society. In order to support the COP15 and broaden the understanding of various stakeholders, on March 19, 2019, the International Environmental Cooperation Center of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) and ClientEarh held the "NGO Biodiversity Coordination Meeting" and "Space for Nature: Multi-Stakeholder Event" two events under the theme of "Biodiversity Conservation”. As part of a series of events jointly organized by the two parties this year, the events invite governments, academics, companies, social organizations and representative from the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Secretariat and other stakeholders discuss how to protect biodiversity and ecosystems. These two events will kick off the next series of events, providing a platform for all stakeholders to support the construction of the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework.


Representatives from China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) were invited to attend the two events and introduced to the participants at home and abroad the work and efforts of CBCGDF to date on biodiversity conservation. In the meantime, also put forward valuable ideas and recommendations on how to promote the CBD COP15 in China. As a national first-level society in China, CBCGDF will actively contribute on successful hosting CBD COP15 according to the conference’s content and program with its resource and advantage.


The annex is the main content and efforts of CBCGDF’s work in the field of biodiversity conservation sharing with the readers.

CBCGDF Work on Biodiversity Conservation.pdf


Ms. Fang Li, Deputy Director General of International Environmental Cooperation Center


David Cooper, Deputy Executive Secretary of UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)


Liu Ning, Deputy Inspector (DDG-level) of the Department of Nature and Ecology Conservation of MEE


Dimitri de Boer, Head of ClientEarth China Programme




Ma Yong, Deputy Secretary-General of CBCGDF


Dr. Alice Hughes, Deputy Secretary-General of CBCGDF



(Photo credit: CBCGDF. Please indicate the source.)

Original Chinese article:

By / Niu Jingmei