Children's Voices for "Green Future" Heard at ICG-18 Biodiversity Session Co-hosted by CBCGDF
2023/6/13 14:54:00 本站

On April 15, 2023, at the 18th International Conference on Genomics (ICG-18) and the 2023 International Biodiversity Conference pf People organized by the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) in collaboration with BGI and the Earth BioGenome Project (EBP), a special session was held to provide a platform for young participants to share their perspectives on biodiversity. Several primary and secondary school students from across China shared their understanding, observations, reflections, and projects related to biodiversity conservation. This event aimed to provide young individuals with an opportunity to grow, share, and learn, while promoting environmental education. The event received coverage from "Changjiang Yun," a network broadcasting television station in Hubei. Full reports see:

The establishment of such a platform and the inclusion of children in these discussions are of significant importance. Biodiversity serves as the foundation of the Earth's ecosystems and plays a crucial role in the survival and well-being of both present and future generations. It encompasses all the diverse species of plants, animals, and ecosystems on our planet. Biodiversity provides us with essential resources such as food, medicine, and natural materials. Furthermore, it supports ecosystem services like climate regulation, soil preservation, and water resource management.

The "Changjiang Yun" report highlights the significance of involving young individuals in discussions about biodiversity conservation. By providing them with opportunities to engage and contribute, we recognize their role as future custodians of the environment. These children bring fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, and a genuine concern for the well-being of our planet.

Through their projects and reflections shared at the conference, the young participants demonstrated their understanding of the importance of biodiversity conservation. Their initiatives ranged from habitat restoration efforts and species protection campaigns to community gardening and educational programs. These young minds showcased their creativity, determination, and commitment to creating a greener and more sustainable future.

The report by "Changjiang Yun" not only highlights the endeavors of these young individuals but also raises awareness among the wider community. It emphasizes the need for collective action and encourages others, regardless of age, to actively contribute to biodiversity conservation. It serves as a reminder that every individual, regardless of their age or background, can make a difference in protecting and preserving the rich tapestry of life on Earth.

As we reflect on the coverage of this conference and the inspiring contributions of the young participants, we are reminded of the immense potential that lies within the minds and hearts of the next generation. It is crucial that we continue to foster their passion, provide platforms for their voices to be heard, and empower them to take an active role in shaping a sustainable future.

The CBCGDF, along with its partners, remains committed to promoting biodiversity conservation and green development. Through initiatives like the ICG-18 Biodiversity Conference and similar platforms, we aim to inspire more young individuals and communities to join us on this vital journey towards a greener, healthier planet.

By nurturing the passion for biodiversity conservation in the hearts of our youth today, we can cultivate a generation that will cherish and protect the natural world for years to come. Let us celebrate the efforts of these young voices and work together to build a "Green China" and a sustainable future for all.

Reporter: Littlejane

Editor: Richard