Xijin Jia: Thoughts on Incorporating Animal Protection into Charity Law | CBCGDF’s Seminar to Discuss the Suggestions for Revising the Charity Law
2023/3/7 15:28:00 本站

On February 24, 2023, the Biological and Scientific Ethics (BASE) Working Committee of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) held a meeting to suggest some comments on the Charity Law, whose theme is charitable donations and animal protection public welfare. Seminars, experts and scholars in related fields, representatives of social organizations, etc. were invited to participate in the meeting to discuss and exchange ideas.


Associate Professor Jia Xijin, from the School of Public Administration, Tsinghua University, believes that from the perspective of public welfare and charity, animal protection and animal welfare should obviously be included in the scope of public welfare and charity. ??But whether it will be included in the specific laws actually depends on the continuous development of our understanding of public welfare and charity.

We can see that Chinas current understanding of charity is still very narrow. Even now in our charity law, it has been extended to a concept of public welfare, which has gone far beyond the traditional concept of charity for poverty relief, but it only incorporates some very classic concepts, that is, science, education, literature, health, and sports, while other concepts are actually relatively limited in the expression of Charity Law. In fact, incorporating animal protection into Article 3 of the Charity Law is an advocacy work. We advocate the expansion of more open and broader public welfare and charity, which is actually an improvement of the public interest of the society as a whole.


Original Chinese Article:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/0dpk8C6u3SuSvL7uPh2qgA

Translator: Daisy

Checked by Sara

Editor: Daisy

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776



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