53rd World Earth Day: More Cooperation Welcomed| 4·22, Preparations underway
2023/3/7 13:24:00 本站


From 1970 to 2023.

In 1970, with the establishment of Earth Day, the global environmental protection has been fast tracked. On the upcoming 53rd Earth Day this year, the International Fund for China's Environment (IFCE) and China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) is planning to hold the theme activity of “Invest In Our Planet & Community with Shared Future for Life on Earth” on April 22, and regard this activity as the “interface service platform” for public welfare actions on Earth Day. Interconnect with wider forces, participate together, and speak for the earth together.


CBCGDF & IFCE 2020 theme activity with Prince Albert II of Monaco speaking out for the World Earth Day

[Event Theme] “Invest in Our Planet & Community with Shared Future for Life on Earth”

[Activity Content] At present, the activities are being coordinated in a broader way. From April 22 to 23, there will be health road run, live broadcast of the Big V thematic dialogue, display of creative works for the Earth, visit to the Asian elephant rescue center, online concert, etc., which will be carried out in a variety of forms, online and offline.


(CBCGDF &IFCE 2020 theme activity with Chinese celebrities Ayunga and Ouyang Nana as the public welfare ambassadors)

[Contact and Connection] The participation of societies, organizations, enterprises and media are welcomed, please contact Ms. Wang for more information:

Telephone: 010-88431370E-mail: v31@cbcgdf.org.


With the support of EDN (the initiator of Earth Day) and IFCE (the licensor of EDN China), CBCGDF will further boost the scale of Earth Day activities and look forward to reaching new highs with all our friends.



Original Chinese Article:  https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/kVem7GlAPcmdhEeyzBARrw
V10@cbcgdf.org;  +8617319454776


Do you know? CBCGDF is a non-profit organization. We rely on crowd-funding and donations. You have the opportunity to help us to advance biodiversity conservation. Donate TODAY to power up the movement to make it a better world for all life.