Zhou Jinfeng Presented South-South Cooperation Projects of CBCGDF to Chair of IUCN-WCPA Marine Connectivity Working Group
2022/8/31 10:47:00 本站

Recently, Dr. Zhou Jinfeng, Secretary-General of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF), and Barbara Lausche, Chair of IUCN-WCPA Marine Connectivity Working Group (MCWG) had a one-on-one conversation. They had in-depth exchanges on the work of CBCGDF, marine conservation, the work of the MCWG in 2021, and MCWG general work plan for 2022-2024.


Connectivity is recognized by scientists, policymakers and practitioners around the world as an integrated approach to better protecting nature in terrestrial, marine and freshwater ecosystems. Disrupted connectivity and fragmented habitats are among the major reasons for the dramatic loss of biodiversity today.


The Marine Connectivity Working Group (MCWG) was officially approved by World Commission on Protected Areas of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN WCPA) to meet the demand for connectivity conservation solutions that maintain, enhance, and restore the ecological connectivity of marine and coastal protected areas, marine biodiversity, and critical marine and coastal ecosystem services. Dr. Zhou, as the executive member of MCWG, presented South-South Cooperation projects of CBCGDF to chair Barbara Lausche.


Dr Zhou said: IUCN has been promoting dialogue and governance initiative (BRIDGE) around the world. CBCGDF has been actively participated in BRIDGE and the GBM-CSO meetings for constructive discussions on water governance, flood control and further cooperation.


In March 2018, CBCGDF, together with Mara Wildlife Conservation Fund (Kenya) and Nature Guardian Wildlife Conservation & Development Research Center (China) jointly established the first overseas protected area of CBCGDF, Okunye Lion Community Reserve, to promote biodiversity conservation.


In June 2021, CBDGDF launched the Madagascar Rescue Project and has been working with Madagascar on the conservation of lemurs and other species. CBCGDF has signed a MOU with Re:wild and agreed to start supporting work on multiple protected areas in Madagascar.


In August 2021, CBCGDF joined the African Elephant Protection Initiative (EPI) as its first Chinese partner.


Original Chinese Article: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/kAK7vxuGGmiCDyzIuDlbVA

Translator: Sara

Checked by:  Lucy

Editor:  Lucy

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776



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