CBCGDF Expert Joined ISO/TC331 Biodiversity AHG2 First Meeting
2022/4/2 14:33:00 本站

The Biodiversity Technical Committee of International Organization for Standardization (ISO/TC 331) was established in 2020. It aims to formulate standardization in the field of biodiversity to develop principles, frameworks, requirements, guidance and supporting tools in a holistic and global approach for all organizations, so as to enhance their contribution to sustainable development.

On March 23, 2022, ISO / TC 331 AHG2, the working group for “Measurement, data, monitoring and assessment” held its first meeting online. Linda, Deputy Secretary-General of CBCGDF, participated in the session.

32 experts and representatives from China, France, UK, Sweden, Brazil, Japan, India, etc., gathered in the virtual conference room and discussed the scope, priorities, and future arrangements of ISO / TC 331 AHG2.


The idea of measurement, data, monitoring and assessment of biodiversity at 5 different levels was proposed: regional levels, ecosystem levels, biotic community levels, species level and genetic level. In response to this concept, Linda raised three suggestions: First, Protected Areas (PAs) and Other Effective Area-based conservation Measures (OECMs) should be considered at the regional levels; Second, marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction should be included in the regional levels; Third, digital sequence information (DSI) of genetic resources should be considered at the genetic level, which aroused wide and extensive discussion among experts and representatives during the session.

A proposal from Mr. Tom Butterworth, UK led to another debate: whether the process for designing and implementing biodiversity net gain should be included in the scope of work of ISO / TC 331 AHG2. He pointed out that the Biodiversity BNG standard will provide guidance on the design and delivery of gains for biodiversity through the lifecycle of a project, details as in the pictures below.



AHG2 recommends that the project be sent to members for feedback. The next AHG2 meeting is scheduled to be held on July-August 2022 for now.


Author: Sara
Editor: Lucy

Contact: V10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776



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