CBCGDF Submitted 15 Suggestions to Ministry of Ecology and Environment on “Pollution Control Standards for Domestic Waste Landfill Sites (Draft for Comments)”
2022/4/1 16:05:00 本站

CBCGDF Submitted 15 Suggestions to Ministry of Ecology and Environment on “Pollution Control Standards for Domestic Waste Landfill Sites (Draft for Comments)”


China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) learned that the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People’s Republic of China solicited public opinions on the “pollution control standard for domestic waste landfill (gb16889-2008) (Draft for comments)”. Reduce & Pick-up Plastics Working Group” (RPPWG) of CBCGDF actively responded to the call and attached great importance to the draft. RPPWG organized experts and conducted in-depth study. CBCGDF stressed that standards for biodiversity investigation & assessment should be added in its "normative reference document", and put forward 15 suggestions in terms of preface, site selection requirements, landfill waste admission requirements, pollutant emission control requirements, monitoring requirements, implementation requirements and preparation instructions.


CBCGDF’s “Reduce & Pick-up Plastics Working Group” will continue to follow up the revision process of the draft for comments, and will actively provide support and assistance in the process.

Original Chinese Article: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/8Q8KaVyOpcmDI4wt_3IgFQ

Translator: Sara

Editor: Lucy

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776



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