Prof. Piet van der Meer talked about how Sciences Impacts Post-2020 Biodiversity Negotiation |A CBCGDF interview at the Geneva Meetings
2022/3/27 19:25:00 本站

On March 21, 2022, at Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Geneva Meetings, CBCGDF delegation interviewed Professor Piet van der Meer, an outstanding scientist, on the impact of sciences on the negotiation process of post-2020 global biodiversity framework.


Piet van der Meer is a professor of Department of biotechnology, and also a professor in European law, public law and international law in the University of Ghent, Belgium.


CBCGDF delegation will have further exchanges and discussions with Professor Peter Van der Meer on Digital Sequence Information on genetic resources (DSI), synthetic biology, biosafety, science and technology ethics, etc.


CBCGDF delegation will have further exchanges and discussions with Professor Peter Van der Meer on Digital Sequence Information on genetic resources (DSI), synthetic biology, biosafety, science and technology ethics, etc.


Original video:


Original Chinese Article:

Translator: Sara

Editor: Lucy

Contact:;  +8617319454776



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