So Honored for CBCGDF to be here for the French Embassy's World Water Day Event!
2022/3/25 17:06:00 本站

March 22, 2022 is World Water Day. At the invitation of the staff of the French Embassy in China, the Deputy Secretary-General and delegates of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) attended the event.


The host of the event was Ludovic Andrès, Technical Cooperation Commissioner of the French Embassy in China. He pointed out that World Water Day was established by the United Nations in 1993, focusing on water resources, especially freshwater resources. Two billion people around the world lack access to drinking water. Water is one of the resources that human beings depend on for survival and is a part of our daily life. Water scarcity, floods, droughts, population growth and other issues all bring pressure and challenges to water supply. The theme of this event is: take care of the source of life - water.

Three speakers were invited to the event. French guest Pierre Roux, Director of Strategy of the Water Authority of  Nice C?te d'Azur Metropolitan Area, participated in the event online. The two guests who participated were Jia Yongfeng, associate researcher of the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences, and Yu Li'an, secretary-general of the Beijing Society for Ecological Restoration.

After the speech, Q & A session kicked off. The delegates of CBCGDF asked Professor Yu about the relationships between water resources and ecological restoration.


Professor Yu pointed out that water resources are not as clean as possible in ecology. In the earth's ecology, there are five types of abundant water: water in the atmosphere, groundwater (the theme of this event), water in the soil, water in living organisms, and surface water (rivers and lakes). These five waters are mutually cycled in the ecosystem. To protect water resources, we hope that these five waters will circulate in a virtuous circle in five different forms of existence, coordinate with each other, and break down ecological barriers, so as to protect nature and do a good job in ecological restoration.


Original Chinese Article:

Translator: Daisy
Editor: Lucy
Contact the editors:; +8617319454776



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