Honored to have James Crabbe as Advisor to BioGreen!
2022/1/24 16:31:00 本站

On January 14, 2022, James Crabbe, a Fellow of Wolfson College, University of Oxford; Chairman of IETI (International Engineering and Technology Institute), joined the advisory team at the invitation of the editorial board of BioGreen, an international electronic journal by CBCGDF.


James Crabbe is a Fellow of Wolfson College, Oxford; a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Royal Society of Arts, the Royal Society of Biology, the Royal Geographical Society, and the Linnean Society of Great Britain. He has been Dean of the School of Science, Technology and Creativity at the University of Bedfordshire, Professor and Head of the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Reading, and Vice-President of the International Maritime Society. His research spans the fields of biomedicine, environmental science, education and the humanities. 295 research papers have been published in major academic journals and 14 commercial molecular modeling software have been distributed by Oxford University Press. In 2006, he received the Aviva/Earthwatch International Award for Climate Change Research. In 2008, he received the International Contribution to China's Creative Industries Award.

Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development (BioGreen) is a new international e-journal (ISSN 2749-9065), focusing on the latest expert research and dynamic hotspots in biodiversity, sustainability, environmental science and ecological civilization. It is scientific, cutting-edge, innovative, comprehensive and convenient, covering many fields of thought, academia, research, industry, culture, education, etc. With the most open attitude, the journal delivers information that balances science and rigor, and provides news and trends on environmental policy and environmental management framework. It will be published monthly in English and Chinese to meet the needs of various audiences.


As a new focused e-journal, its sections are set out below and are available for free reading and open download.

-- Focus/cover story 聚焦/封面故事

-- Scientific papers 科学论文

-- Vision 影像

-- News and Trends 动态

-- Thought观点/思想

-- Panorama广角

-- Column 专栏


Again, we invite you to be a member of the Editorial Board, and we warmly welcome you to contribute articles to the journal.

Chinese contribution: Wang Jing


English contribution: Maggie


Original Chinese Article:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/7i8FTKXvAFOrr-g1zN8bzQ


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