Will disputes on reservoir construction at Heishanxia?
2022/1/20 8:36:00 本站

Although Heishanxia River, an important part of the Yellow River, can directly influence the utilization of water resource and ecological protection, as well as other factors, the specific strategy for exploitation is still in a hot debate.

Therefore, to secure a scientific and sustainable relation between hydraulic engineering and ecological security and to help realize a high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin, CBCGDF would like to host an online seminar on water engineering construction and ecological safety. As for the preparation work of this meeting, we would like to faithfully invite personnel and experts from government sectors, scientific institutions, and social organizations to share their thoughts and ideas on integrated governance of the Yellow River.


Original Chinese article: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzAxOTExMzM4Mg==&mid=2649685285&idx=2&sn=cec7c3ac592b3e1f5d01702c3574371d&chksm=83d1a9ecb4a620fa508ab2fc1fa8711bea7e4c133f4a5d1dbca7c26f9095a9a53a32423a92e2&mpshare=1&scene=1&srcid=&sharer_sharetime=1642469202441&sharer_shareid=cfcd208495d565ef66e7dff9f98764da#rd



