Zhou Jinfeng had a discussion with Cheng Yiheng and Sandrine Dixson-Declève about #HbS
2021/9/3 21:00:00 本站

On 2 September, Dr. Zhou Jinfeng, secretary-general of CBCGDF, Cheng Yiheng, Executive Director of Club of Rome (COR) and Sandrine Dixson-Declève, Co-President of the Club of Rome had a discussion via Zoom about Biodiversity in Our Neighborhood (BCON), Human-based Solution (HbS) and carbon quota.

Here’s summarize of the discussion.


Nature-based Solution (NbS) has already been mentioned. CBCGDF, on the other hand, is currently promoting HbS. It stands for a Human-based Solution. Sustainable growth and human survival, balance, and habitat protection are required in the era of ecological civilization. Instead of irresponsibly establishing the pleasure of consumption based on damage to the biological environment and habitats, we need legitimate and reasonable consumption.

The human-based solution is centered on "me". Humans are to blame for both the rapid loss of biodiversity and the climate change catastrophe. The sixth mass extinction was brought about by human discipline. Whoever started the problem should be the one to put a stop to it. Because human beings are the source of all problems, they are also the sole solution. This is the "human-based solution's" underlying reasoning. According to the findings, changing "me" can help slow down biodiversity loss and climate change.

For example, because consumers have this criterion, more companies are prepared to respect green consumption rights and begin to offer green options. This demonstrates that "me" as a personal desire has a significant impact on company production.

(The above is based on the live speech and has not been verified by the speaker himself.)


Modified by Syying 


