Road to Marseille: CBCGDF Representatives Participate in IUCN CEC Dialogue
2021/8/25 17:11:00 本站

The four-yearly International Union for Conservation of Nature World Conservation Congress (IUCN WCC) is just around the corner. On 23 August 2021, the IUCN Commission for Education and Communication (IUCN CEC), one of the six IUCN committees, held a global virtual dialogue with a number of CEC experts from around the world to report on the achievements of the CEC over the past five years and introduce the work that the CEC will be doing at the World Conservation Congress. Representatives of CBCGDF attended the meeting and held a dialogue with the IUCN CEC.


Sean Southey, chairman of the IUCN CEC, began by saying that in the five years since the last World Conservation Congress, the IUCN CEC has been very successful, and now has 2,000 members worldwide. This is the largest CEC ever. CEC members are professionals from around the world who contribute their time and talents to sustainable development and work together to strengthen the IUCN and the wider conservation community. Sean Southey also thanked the key project leaders on the steering committee for the hard work and enthusiasm of the team that made the CEC project a success.


Ms. Xiong, Deputy Secretary general of CBCGDF, attended the IUCN CEC meeting

CEC steering Committee project leaders reported on IUCN Nature for All, Education for Conservation and Sustainability, Youth Engagement and Intergenerational Partnership, and the Reimagine Conservation Project.


During the dialogue and discussion, representatives of the CBCGDF shared the achievements of the CBCGDF in the field of biodiversity conservation over the past years, and proposed the CBCGDF's solutions on "Nature for All", "Youth Engagement and Intergenerational Partnership" and the "Reimagine Conservation Project".


The "Reimagine Conservation Project" is a new project that CEC will be pioneering and will formally present at the World Conservation Congress. It focuses on exploring how to restart people's imagination of protection and create space for people to better practice protection. CBCGDF’s representative introduced our innovative concept of "Human-based Solutions". Sean Southey welcomed the active participation of members in the design and implementation of CEC's programs, saying "this is where the value of the Education and Communication Committee lies". The CEC commended CBCGDF for our achievements in educating young students about environmental protection and using social media to influence the public.




The International Union for Conservation of Nature World Conservation Congress (IUCN WCC) will be held in Marseille, France, September 3 to 11, 2021. As a member of the IUCN, the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) will send delegations to the conference.

The IUCN World Conservation Congress is the world's largest environmental and conservation conference and the union's top decision-making body. This conference has been postponed several times due to the pandemic and has added more challenges than previous sessions. Accordingly, the conference will have both online and offline channels to provide members with more options for participation. Lei Wenting, a representative of the Information Department of CBCGDF and an undergraduate student at the University of Camerino in Italy, will attend the conference in Marseille. She will cooperate with other delegation members and send out China's voice to the world.

Original Chinese article:

