Representatives from International Department of CBCGDF participate in Phil Reading Club: Knowledge economy promotes green development
2021/7/21 15:45:00 本站

On July 17, American professor Mr. Phil Midland held a periodical reading meeting to gather scholars from many countries to discuss recent hot topics. As the only Chinese member, the representative of the International Department of CBCGDF attended the meeting and talked about the role of knowledge economy in promoting green development, the recent aid projects of CBCGDF in Madagascar, and the original intention and current situation of CBCGDF RCEP 4C.

Although a small numbers of members have different views on the environmental impact of China's the Belt and Road Initiative, most experts are very positive about China's environmental achievements. Representatives from the International Department of CBCGDF will continue to participate in this conference, to tell China's story and speak for China. 



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