How can we improve the influence of writing?
2021/6/25 15:34:00 本站

On June 24, 2021, CBCGDF participated in a webinar titled "Tips on Increasing Paper Citations and Enhancing a Paper's impact" by Phil Bogdan, marketing and communication manager of Research Square. The webinar has offered a variety of free online lectures to increase the number of citations of papers and increase the influence of articles.

During nearly 15 years of research and exchange, Phil Bodgan has increased and expanded his influence on academic papers, white papers, Internet broadcasting, online decision support tools and websites. The participation of social media has also significantly increased the media dose of the paper and contributed to increasing the citation rate of the article. In the past, he worked as an academic marketing communications expert at the University of Idaho's Office of Research and Economic Development, the American plant Pathology Society, the American Grain Chemists Association, and other scientific organizations.

In this course, Bogdan introduced the author to help spread their academic papers more effectively in his particular field of research, and to expand them to other researchers in cross-disciplinary fields. It also extends to experts and the public in a broader field, helping to increase the number of paper openings and increase the value of use and academic influence of the paper's academic influence.

The outline of the course revolved around four titles: "Publish in the right place", "Optimize your title", "Learn more about some common metrics" and "Promote your work through multiple channels". So four main things when we do the communication, we need to think about Right audience, Right times, Right channels and Right connection. 

First of all, we start by finding the best journal for our manuscript. Then, based on the journal indexes, we need to try keyword search related to search topics, and look at other research or journal related to our topics. Through this link , we can try the special journal matching service like a journal guide for researchers. Enter the paper's title and abstract, find the articles on similar topics, pick the top three journals for consideration and look at impact factors. 

Next, optimize our title, making short and international titles. Avoid mentioning a country in your title, abstract, or keywords. Keep the titles short and direct for more citations. And consider the punctuation. Then add the research objects to repositories, publish them in open access journals. 

Before we post and publish, think about the target audience and consider time, channels, and connection to increase the impact of articles. Listen to them and this is starting plan or your communication. If we want to measure the impact, we can see the comprehensive metrics when some platforms offer this. I.e., Article page vies (HTML), article downloads (pdf), comments, citation sources etc.  

Firstly, when we think about the target audience, targets in the same field are good. For example, if we publish the public health professionals, targets can be doctors, nurses, public policy experts. If we publish about Covid19, targets can be people who are sickened or scared or those who are fascinated by viruses. 

Secondly, think about these questions: 'Is your research directly related to a HOT TOPIC right away?' We have to consider the timing. Here are some tips. Publish something matching the research topics for a memorable holiday. E.g. Earth environment research on The World Earth day. Early in the day in your targeted area tends to be better. Avoid promoting our work on holiday and weekends when everyone is away. E.g. In China: Solar or Lunar New Year. 

Thirdly, consider the geographic proximity. Choose a geographically relevant topic to their interests with national hot trend topics or international hot trend topics.

Lastly, how to connect with the audience? The answer is in Social Media, SNS. In general, for worldwide, we can use LinkedIn that is a professional networking platform, Facebook for sharing personal news with friends, Twitter using the Hashtag, other constituents with interests, YouTube for video sharing, largest search engine and Instagram etc. And in general, for China, we can use WeChat for communication and a new video channel, for general scientific communication, tangential research audiences and BiliBili for border, public appeal. 

To conclude, develop our plan for all impact measurements, all audience, all connection way, all channels. Promote your work and track your impact measurements. The most important thing is to keep trying to engage! If you don't give up, because the first time is hard and try twice as hard, it will finally be possible!

"The single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place."

-by George Bernard Shaw

Author: Bella

All resources: From American Journal Experts
