Jinfeng Zhou: Detailed and Necessary Steps Towards Eco-Civilization
2021/3/17 12:49:00 本站

On march 15th, the working group of CBCGDF learned about the actual situation of the public-concerned “polar bear hotel” and met the hotel manager.


CBCGDF, Law Enforcement Department of Songbei District of Harbin City, and the hotel manager held a seminar. At the meeting, Dr. Zhou Jinfeng, Vice Chairman and Secretary-General of CBCGDF, shared his views as follows:

“Polar Bear Hotel” has had a great social impact in Europe. I believe everyone, just like CBCGDF, cherishes China’s international reputation as a major responsible country in ecological and environmental conservation. In such a special time, we must think carefully in the big picture of ecological civilization, take the frameworks of animal welfare and biodiversity conservation as a guidance, and disclose and tackle the existing problems. At the same time, we should also respond to the international and domestic concerns to contribute to green mountains and clear waters”


1. The polar bear’s accommodation area needs to be publicized.

The hotel should release the data of polar bears’ accommodation area to domestic and foreign media as well as the whole world; better still are data of enrichment facilities. It is important to ensure the absolute accuracy of the data and full disclosure.

2.  Hotels should make three commitments  

this event has caused continuous effects because of its correlation with the building of the ecological civilization, which prioritizes clean environment. For polar bears, however, habitat conservation comes first. It is a long-term goal to protect the Arctic. The second principle is reducing the commercial use, which can quickly be put into practice. The exhibition area of the hotel should be changed both temporally and spatially. Therefore, it is recommended that the hotel make such commitments:
First, it should not force polar bears into the exhibition area and should not close doors to accommodation area. Polar bears’ “rights to choices” should be respected as much as possible.
Second, flashbulbs should not be used in the venues.

Third, customers should not be allowed to feed polar bears willfully to ensure their physical and mental health.

The relevant regulations of supervision and management should be gradually improved and observed on a regular and standardized basis. CBCGDF will be able to set up an ecological civilization publicity station if the hotel is willing to change and adhere to the spirit of ecological civilization. Though things sometimes are far from perfect, we still have to do our best to stop the excessive commercial use of wildlife. CBCGDF will continue to follow this matter and hopes that the hotel can lead the new fashion in the practice of ecological civilization and sustainable development.

3. Ecological civilization construction should be promoted through details

The new concept of ecological civilization is different from the mainstream legacy of industrial civilization. We all need to learn the concept and its required world outlooks and value systems and take actions to protect the naturally beautiful environment. The environment is not simply green mountains and clear waters but also biodiversity conservation, which is especially important for animals: for them, it includes but is limited to good living conditions and eating healthy food. Biodiversity conservation under the concept of ecological civilization calls for greatest atention.

Take spotted seal (Phoca largha) in Dalian City, Liaoning Province as an example. Rapid development of aquarium seriously threatened the existence of spotted seals, which also faced rampant poaching. We are not saying that all aquariums should be closed for the protection of spotted seals, but that new ones should be built.

Under current condition, if polar bears are used for scientific research and protected through relocation with respect for the species and conservation, it is contributive to the construction of a community of shared future for all lives on earth.

We hope that the hotel can make promt changes, actively respond to the society, and correct one-sided reports by some media. On the other hand, the hotel should accept public opinions and supervision and show in detail our positive actions and efforts toward an ecological civilization!


Original Chinese article



