Now · Future: Our Solutions Come from Nature | A Webinar Focuses on Bees, Why Has It Attracted So Many People’s Attention?
2020/5/15 16:03:00 本站

Everyone should reflect on their relationship with nature at this moment, and they will get more harmonious with the world in the future. There must be a sense of crisis at this moment. In the future, we must start with each individual cell and pursue the sustainable development of human society. At this moment, protecting and learning from bees, in the future, humans can survive like bees for 100 million years. Discuss GoldenBee at this moment, and work with everyone around you to build a human community and a community of life in the future.


On May 7, the second event of the “Now · Future – Webinars on CSR/SDG Under COVID-19” series was held. The webinar was co-sponsored by China Sustainability Tribune, GoldenBee Think Tank, and The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), with China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) as a partner of this issue.


During the COVID-19 epidemic, the situation of bees and beekeepers has received much attention. During the webinar, hosted by Yu Zhihong, president and editor-in-chief of China Sustainability Tribune, Dr. Zhou Jinfeng, the Secretary-General of CBCGDF, Dr. Shi Yan, Executive Director of Shared Harvest (Beijing) Agricultural Development Co., Ltd., Mr. Liu Xinfang, Director of the Social Responsibility Department of State Grid Corporation, Mr. Yin Gefei, Founder of GoldenBee, Chief Expert of GoldenBee Corporate Social Responsibility Consulting, shared and exchanged on the theme of "protecting bees and finding bees".


What role do bees play in nature? What is the importance of protecting bees? What can the business community learn from the survival mode of bees? What is the value of the bee enterprise? The experts conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on the above specific issues.


Zhou Jinfeng: The world view of ecological civilization is the harmonious coexistence of man and nature


As an expert in the field of biodiversity conservation, Dr. Zhou Jinfeng, the Secretary-General of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) treats bees like a treasure. He said that bees are important pollinating insects in nature. About 70% of the world's agricultural products require bee pollination. Without bee pollination, food production and natural ecosystems will be affected.


During the epidemic, traffic was blocked, beekeepers were unable to transport bees to nectar-collecting sites, and bees could not achieve pollination, and the production of fruits, vegetables and food in autumn would be affected. The impact of the epidemic on bees involves human health, ecological protection, and the livelihood of beekeepers. To this end, Dr. Zhou led the CBCGDF to make corresponding suggestions and took action to help beekeepers reduce the impact of the epidemic.


Dr. Zhou believes that the protection of bees is closely related to the protection of biodiversity. We should pay attention to the protection of agricultural biodiversity, pay attention to the protection of wild biodiversity, and avoid large-scale use of pesticides. In the future, we need to make more arrangements to fully recognize the important role of bees on humans.


Dr. Zhou called on all companies to make a difference in the field of biodiversity conservation and utilization. He believes that human beings are going from industrial civilization to ecological civilization. The world view of ecological civilization is the harmonious coexistence between man and nature. Therefore, human beings must change the way of production and life.


Shi Yan: Every consumer should support green ecology more


Dr. Shi Yan, the Executive Director of Shared Harvest (Beijing) Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. chose to be a "new farmer" after graduating with a doctorate, hoping to integrate her understanding of nature into agriculture.


With Shi Yan's experience, bees are the best pollinators in growing vegetables. If hormones are used to pollinate tomatoes, tomatoes tend to become hollow, the taste is not good, and the safety of vegetables is not guaranteed. Shi Yan's approach is to use bumblebees to pollinate tomatoes in greenhouse vegetable cultivation.


In Shi Yan's view, soil, insects, microorganisms, etc. should be regarded as part of the overall ecology. She believes that man is not the master of nature, and nature has its own laws of development. Living in the city for a long time, some people regard all insects as enemies, in fact every creature has its place in nature.


Dr. Shi Yan called for understanding nature from three meals a day and paying attention to biodiversity conservation. Every consumer's three meals a day is an entry point to participate in and change biodiversity.


Webinar summary


In this dialogue between nature and business, moderator Yu Zhihong summarized the discussion:


Mankind always draws on progressive thinking and the power to move forward in the process of learning from nature. For example, find a responsible and sustainable business model from the bee's survival model; another example is the bionics full of wisdom in our technology; another example, whether it is business or social ecosystem construction and other concepts, come from the understanding of nature.


Human beings always experience the evil effects of nature's punishment in every challenge and destruction of nature. For example, if we destroy the living environment of bees, we will face a greater risk of hunger; another example, if we grab from nature uncontrollably in order to develop, we will face the doom of resource exhaustion in the future; and then it can be extended that those enterprises that violate natural rules and business rules will eventually suffer their own consequences.


At this moment, we hope that everyone and each enterprise can reflect on their own production and lifestyle, work together to reduce the impact on the bee's living environment, protect the bees, and protect biodiversity, which is actually protecting ourselves.


At this moment, we hope that more enterprises can become bee-type enterprises. While their decision-making and operations are beneficial to social prosperity and environmental protection, they also have strong competitiveness in a good business environment.



(Photo credit: GoldenBee)


(Photo credit: CBCGDF)

Original Chinese article:

By / Maggie