Why did the Legitimate Source of Malayan Pangolin Refuse to Provide? Recording the Twists and Turns of Jiangxi Forestry Administrative Application
2019/6/14 16:23:00 本站

In mid-April, as a guardian of pangolins, China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) hoped to cooperate with the Pangolin Domestication and Reproduction Center of Zhangshu City, Jiangxi Province to apply for three samples of pangolin scales, blood, and skin from the center for better research and protection of pangolin. We need to contact the wildlife service of Jiangxi province.


Therefore, CBCGDF contacted Mr.Tu, who is in charge of wildlife service, Jiangxi provincial department of forestry. After explaining the situation to Mr.Tu, the Wildlife Service suggested that the CBCGDF submit an application for an administrative license to the Forestry Department, and claimed that the certification materials of a legitimate source of pangolin need not be provided by the CBCGDF. So the CBCGDF fills in the materials according to the requirements, including inviting the China Pangolin Research Center to formulate a specific research program, but the administrative licensing hall has talked with the CBCGDF many times, informing us that the licensing cannot be passed if there is no evidence of the legitimate source of Pangolin.


After unsuccessful efforts, the CBCGDF again turned to Mr.Tu, who had suggested applying for the administrative license, but Mr.Tu indicated that he was no longer in charge of the license, so he provided the telephone number of the person in charge of the administrative license, so that the CBCGDF could negotiate on its own.


First contact: the person in charge said that he just took over the work, the specific situation is not clear, once again give CBCGDF the telephone number of his staff! The reply after communication is "unable to pass"!


Second contact: the person in charge said that "the certificate of the legitimate source should be submitted by the CBCGDF as an applicant, the CBCGDF cannot negotiate, the Wildlife service also have no resolution about it.


Why it is so twists and turns? On the one hand, the refusal to disclose the certificate of a legitimate source of pangolins in the Center makes us suspect that pangolins were received through illegal ways. On the other hand, if administrative licensing is not feasible, why should we suggest it?


The incident lasted nearly half a year. Apart from refusing, CBCGDF did not receive any substantive reply.


The incident was caused by Sophia, a pangolin girl who went to Zhangshu, Jiangxi Province on February 20 to sample the skin tissue of a living pangolin. For further study, the scales, blood and skin cells of the pangolin need to be taken. The starting point of the CBCGDF's work is to better protect pangolins, but a legitimate source certificate involves so many steps, which is not only thought-provoking!

Original Chinese article:


By / Li Xue