Baby spotted seal “Gou Sheng” settled in Tangshan: began to eat with good energy
2019/2/28 17:11:00 本站

On 22 February, the second day the baby spotted seal living in CCA for Water Birds at Tangshan, was taken care of by the director Mr. Tian Zhiwei. Its name “Gou Sheng” was named by Mr. Tian, which originally means the leftover of dog food and now is used as a pet name for infants. According to Chinese proverb, children with amiable names are easy to bring up and strong to bear accidents. That day, Gou Sheng was full of vigor.


Gou Sheng is being constantly monitored by CBCGDF assistance team. On 22 February, Mr. Tian and his team attempted to feed Gou Sheng with smashed salmons mixing with milk. During the process, Mr. Tian found that little Gou Sheng did not like favor Japanese flavor. So, he tried with infant milk and now Gou Sheng’s teeth is growing.


In the assistance team of CBCGDF, there are some experienced vets to offer distant guidance for the rescue.


On the third day, Mr. Tian said that the baby seal begun to be fed with herrings and was in good state.


Gou Sheng now weighs 20 kilograms. “We will continue exert its greatest strength as a CCAfa to make more people aware of wildlife conservation!” Mr. Tian said.








(Video, Photo credit: CBCGDF)

Original Chinese article:

By / Cathelina