Zhou Jinfeng's interview with Beijing Review | CBD COP15
2021/10/11 9:46:00 本站

Beijing Review interviewed with Dr. Zhou Jinfeng, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development. Dr.Zhou said,"COP15 provides a platform for the exchange of different opinions and ideas, and we are looking forward to it. The theme of this conference is "Ecological Civilization: Building a Community of Life on Earth". The construction of ecological civilization is a fundamental guiding principle for addressing the ecological crisis and solving human survival problems. Only with the idea of ecological civilization as our guide can we solve the climate crisis, public health crisis, biodiversity crisis and a series of other problems. These crises are all caused by the over-exploitation of the ecological environment by industrial civilization. The only way to solve these crises is the change of civilization, that is, human beings take ecological civilization as the guiding ideology and change their production and life style comprehensively."

Source:Beijing Review

Original Chinese article: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA3Nzk1MzcxMw==&mid=2652395183&idx=1&sn=98a10cbeb463cdebacbd2052695ffb47&chksm=84a6d971b3d15067c379260cfd66f4765d28861fa3f7fa5dfa016cc4df3196cd0c0c7324dbae&mpshare=1&scene=1&srcid=1011uOrJVEKPF3PLSr28DyBm&sharer_sharetime=1633912768577&sharer_shareid=8f1dcb5cd0d270531c6b0b2251148c5a&version=



