Zhou Jinfeng Talks about Ecological Civilization: "Garden in nature" & "Nature in the garden"
2021/8/31 16:59:00 本站

There are two profound sayings: "Garden in nature" and "Nature in the garden".

The Lugou Bridge in Beijing was designed with a view of the Xi Shan and the surrounding environment in mind, which essentially means that the garden should blend in with the natural surroundings.


Lugou Bridge Source: Baidu Baike

"Nature in the garden", for example, the gardens built along Lake Tai should use stones from Lake Tai. Many garden construction companies now use imported grass seed to create their lawns. This is a significant waste of resources and consumption. Local plants, animals, and stones should be encouraged to be used in accordance with local requirements.


Lake Tai  Source: Baidu Baike

These are topics to which special emphasis should be devoted while promoting ecological civilization and the information that modern people need to learn to achieve long-term sustainability.


Original Chinese article :https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/mXSzZghqftZwDdHIPGMmhQ






