Building a giant panda scientific research and breeding base in Fangshan, Beijing is too expensive and unnecessary! | Zhou's thought on ecological civilization (116)
2021/8/5 16:37:00 本站

According to several media reports, as a cultural and tourism integration plan, Beijing Fangshan will start the construction of a national giant panda breeding base. “In order to build an international tourism and leisure resort, two major projects, Lego theme park and national giant panda research and breeding base, will be established based on the landscape resources of Qinglong Lake area. "

It is not clear that whether the "national giant panda scientific research and breeding base" project is a scientific research or tourism project. However, no matter what the project is, the protection should be protection should be in situ protection, habitat protection and overall nature protection. Moreover, Beijing is not a suitable place for giant pandas to survive in the wild.


Ex situ conservation is an auxiliary of in situ conservation, which is to prevent the risk of extinction and to carry out the protection work under the condition that the ex situ may survive naturally.

As usual, a giant panda needs more than 20 kilograms of fresh bamboo and about 5 kilograms of fresh and tender bamboo shoots every day. In fact, the cost and transportation carbon footprint of these bamboo are not that low.

If there is no natural survival opportunity in the ex situ, and the original habitat has sufficient natural protection measures and isolated different areas, then the increased ecological and natural costs of such ex situ protection (like the giant panda base in Beijing this time) is not right. 

(Reorganize according to the author's dictation)


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