Warm the heart and stomach of the flood victims and rescue workers in the disaster area | "Disaster Relief Kitchen" program of CBCGDF Good Food Fund in action
2021/7/29 16:50:00 本站

At present, the "disaster relief kitchen" team of the Good Food Fund of CBCGDF has been progressed orderly for three days with the help of many volunteers and public welfare organizations. 




In the early morning of July 27, the "disaster relief kitchen" team made breakfast for everyone and completed the breakfast supply. At the same time, the team also sent personnel to other resettlement site to help ensure logistics work. 


In the process of food supply, the "disaster relief kitchen" paid special attention to food safety and put forward a number of food safety precautions.

The "disaster relief kitchen" team of the Good Food Fund of CBCGDF tries our best to warm the hearts and stomach of the flood victims and rescue workers through our action.


Original text: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/V_3TwUY9iDYrpLcvtv3tDQ


