CBCGDF Internet Development Fund and ZUOYEBANG Launch 'the Public Welfare Class for Protection of Endangered Animals’ Online!
2021/7/20 17:12:00 本站

Teenagers are a constructive power contributing to the stability and prosperity of a nation’s future. For the sake of protecting the physical and mental health of the juveniles, cultivating their basic qualities on the Internet, clarifying the status quo of the protection of minors on China’s Internet platforms, and further strengthening the network security mechanism for the target group, specific efforts have been making in current situation. On July 15, 2021, the Minor Protection Forum of the Internet Conference of China 2021, sponsored by the Internet society of China, supported by Beijing Normal University and K618.cn, and organized by the Mediation Working Committee of the Internet Society of China, was held in Beijing National Convention Center.


Source: CBCGDF

To further improve the minors network security mechanism construction, and to disseminate the contents of the protection of minors, under the guidance of the Mediation Working Committee of the Internet Society of China, the Youth Network Safety Education Working Group of China Cyberspace Safety Association, and K618.cn, the public welfare course on the protection of minors was officially launched at this forum. Representatives from the Publicity Department of CBCGDF participated the launch of the project.

The program is managed by the China Biodiversity Conservation and Internet Development Foundation. The curriculum is produced by YUANFUDAO, ZUOYEBANG, and ScienceNetwork, and the contents are jointly developed by Beijing Haidian Procuratorate, Beijing Railway Transportation Procuratorate, CBCGDF, Beijing Normal University, Ningbo Press, and Tencent, etc., and are related to knowledge of several areas such as Internet safety, Internet literacy education, biodiversity protection, physical and mental health.


Source: CBCGDF

Supported by the publicity department of the CBCGDF, the first batch of recorded courses entitled “Public Welfare Class for Protection of Endangered Animals” were officially launched on July 15 through the platform of ZUOYEBANG. The course revolves around the core concepts of "protecting minors’ healthy Internet access, advocating ecological civilization, promoting green development, and protecting biodiversity and ecological environment". It I jointly produced by the Mediation Working Committee of the Internet Society of China, K618.cn, CBCGDF, and ZUOYEBANG, helping to popularize the concepts of green development, and to promote the scientific and healthy development of the environmental protection career of China. As a public welfare course for young people, the content is lively and interesting, with the connection of illustrations and texts. Through a diversified way, it popularizes the scientific knowledge of endangered animal protection to everyone, thus inspiring young people across the country to take actions, become environmental protection heroes, and truly protect animals.

In this regard, the relevant person in charge of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) stated that for a long time, CBCGDF has focused on the strengths of scientific research and public welfare to mobilize the whole society to care for and support biodiversity. The purpose of protecting and green development is to promote the construction of ecological civilization and the harmony between man and nature, and to build a beautiful home for mankind. In this program, we, together with the Mediation Working Committee of the Internet Society of China, K618.cn, and ZUOYEBANG, as the co-producers of the “Public Welfare Class for Protection of Endangered Animals”, combined the themes of the public welfare course with specific groups of people, and provided meticulously polished content materials for the course production. It is hoped that the course can guide minors to understand the relationship between man and nature, establish a knowledge system for biodiversity protection, and cultivate minors' correct environmental outlook, world outlook and values.

Author: Cherry 

Translator: CJY

Original Chinese article: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/6VJxMko4Ma2L5wKRu6_RvQ


