African Elephant Conservation Initiative Becomes Cooperative Organizer of the CBCGDF World Elephant Day Symposium
2021/7/12 13:48:00 本站

"Elephants never forget, but humans don't remember their achievements.”

World Elephant Day was established on August 12, 2012 and the 10th World Elephant Day is celebrated on this August 12, 2021.World Elephant Day was established to call attention to struggling African and Asian elephants.

Poaching, the disappearance of elephant habitats, and conflicts between humans and elephants are threatening the survival of elephants. Recently, 15 elephants in Yunnan Province have traveled far away from home and are receiving help from all over the world. Resisting illegal hunting and the ivory trade and protecting elephant habitats are all important measures. Even more important is to clarify the elephant's ecological value and quantify the increase in carbon capture in forests, so that the public can realize its value and devote it to protecting elephants.

John Scanlon, CEO of the African Elephant Conservation Initiative (EPI), an old friend of the CBCGDF, expressed his willingness to participate in the seminar and as a co-host, he also welcomed CBCGDF as a partner of the EPI.

So far, the CBCGDF has contacted several international organizations and elephant experts and protectors in South Africa, the United States, and other countries.

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