CBCGDF and UIC's "Sustainable Development Leadership Platform" joint project's first meeting held in 2021 summer
2021/6/21 14:30:00 本站

On 17 June 2021, the International Cooperation Department of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) and Beijing Normal University & Hong Kong Baptist University United International College's (UIC) Globalization and Development (GAD) jointly organized the "2021 Sustainable Development Leadership Platform Youth Capacity Building Meeting (Phase I)".

The meeting was attended by three UIC Globalization and Development majors as well as CBCGDF International Cooperation Department staff. This meeting intends to promote sustainable development talent and set it aside for young people for China's future deep involvement in global ecological and environmental governance.

First of all, the three students introduced themselves and shared their recent experiences. They attended the Eighth session of the Plenary of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) on 14 June, the Leaders' Summit of the UN Global Compact 2021, and Seminar on Climate Change and Protected Areas jointly organized by the Korea National Park Administration (KNPS) and the IUCN WCPA Climate Change Expert Group (on 15 June) less than a week after joining the international workforce. Students remarked that walking off of school and into the actual international negotiation warfare atmosphere was a drastically different experience.

Then, the staff of CBCGDF introduced the organization, daily work process, work report system, "Green Aid" system and other routines, arranged a "one to one" apprentice guidance system, the academic paper writing plan after participating in important international activities, etc. We also made arrangements for the following work, including the UN Food System Summit, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and the evaluation and participation of the blockbuster Global Biodiversity Report.

The GAD-CBCGDF Sustainability Leadership Platform, a project co-sponsored by the GAD Programme and the CBCGDF "Going-Out" Office, includes three students. With the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in May 2021, the programme was formally established, and the first batch of students will visit the CBCGDF's International Department in the summer of 2021.

Young people are the most active and dynamic force in society. Their involvement in global environmental governance will aid in telling China's story, spreading China's voice, and presenting a genuine, multi-dimensional, and comprehensive picture of China. The river of time never stops flowing; youth is the only hope for human society's long-term survival. The attainment of the UN's development goals necessitates the involvement of young people as a significant and ongoing force. Two young Chinese and one young Korean are enrolled in the program's initial phase (the Summer Program in 2021).

The CBCGDF's International Cooperation Department is committed to "cultivating outstanding young talents" and provides UIC's outstanding students with rich and colourful practical opportunities in global environmental governance, as well as encouraging young people to participate actively in international case decision-making, international project planning, and other highly practical experiences.


Chinese original article: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/UTdMPcSGfxK7Q0LyBLQkxQ


