What a Tragedy! Say No to Animal Performance
2021/5/31 17:01:00 本站

On May 25, a tiger attacked a zookeeper while being fed in Danjiang Peacock Valley, Nanyang City, Henan Province. Two tigers escaped from the cage and were later shot to death for safety reasons. On May 23, the same thing happened in Zhanggongshan Zoo, Bengbu City, Anhui Province, where a tiger also killed a zookeeper.


These tragedies have revealed some deep-seated issues. Driven by commercial interests, people build zoos to keep animals in captivity for tourists to visit or give animal performances. Many of the animals involved are national key protected animals such as tigers, elephants, and black bears. This is destroying the harmonious relationship between humans and animals, which is not conducive to biodiversity conservation.


In 2018, CBCGDF called on zoos to stop illegal animal performance and reported more than 20 illegal performances throughout the country. However, such efforts have not caught enough attention from zoo administrators.


In 2020, CBCGDF hosted a seminar on the Law of the People's Republic of China on Conservation of Wild Animals (Revised Draft), which discussed and exchanged practical difficulties and problems in wildlife protection.


CBCGDF hopes that relevant authorities can pay attention to this social issue and put an end to animal performance, strengthening the construction of ecological civilization and the protection of biodiversity. Society should strive for more harmonious development between man and nature and between man and animals.

Written: Iris

Editor: Linda

Original Chinese article:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/8F7qFZMOw7uuXNeLg0K78g 


