Xie Boyang, Ouyang Zhiyun and Leaders from Relevant Departments Attended the GEP Seminar
2021/11/8 10:07:00 本站

The ecological civilization concept of “Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets.” proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping has gained increasing popularity, and new requirements have been put forward on how to quantify the effectiveness of ecological progress. In recent years, the calculation of ecosystem gross product (GEP) in some provinces and cities has provided a preliminary answer to this problem.

Combined with the current domestic pilot, on November 2, 2021, CBCGDF organized the third GEP research report meeting this year, which was jointly attended by Xie Boyang, Chairman of CBCGDF, Ouyang Zhiyun, Director of Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences and leaders from relevant departments, to discuss on how to better promote the application of GEP in various places and make it an important reference indicator for the scientific quantification of ecological progress.


Original Chinese article: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/DEJRElDDrDaklZ4BA2wRwg

Translator/Lucy  Check/Samantha


