Zhou Jinfeng’s Seven Recommendations for Follow-up work on the Rescue and Field Release of Dalian Spotted Seals | Tribute to International Day of the Seal
2019/3/3 21:39:00 本站

March 1, 2019, CBCGDF and Dalian Spotted Seals National Nature Reserve in Dalian jointly held a seminar themed “International Day of the Seal Dalian Spotted Seals Rescue and Field Release”. Attendees including Dr. Zhou Jinfeng, the Secretary-General of CBCGDF, together with the international spotted seals research and rescue expert Dr. Sara Platto, general manager in Liaoning of Beijing Genomic Institute (BGI) Xu Junguang, the director of CBCGDF “China Conservation Area for Spotted Seals at Dalian” Tang Zailin, as well as representatives from government departments, Dalian Spotted Seals National Nature Reserve, School of Marine Technology and Environment of Dalian Ocean University, Tiger Beach (Laohutan), the Sunasia Ocean World and Polar World the three rescue places. The seminar aims at exploring constructive policies and regulations for the protection of spotted seals, the endangered species through the exchange of experts and manage personnel at home and abroad, and to summarize and advise on the professional nature of the rescue of spotted seals, so that they could be healed and released in the wild. At the same time, to improve public awareness and participation in the protection of spotted seals.


Before the seminar, the attendees visited the Dalian Tiger Beach (Laohutan) Ocean Park Pole-Aquarium, Sunasia Ocean World and Polar World, Liaoning Marine Aquatic Science Research Institute to carry out a spot-investigation of the 61 currently surviving spotted seal cubs, get a detailed understanding of the current health status and other information of the cubs.


After the seminar began, the representative from Dalian and CBCGDF sides exchanged views on the subsequent diet, testing, gene sequencing, field release and many other issues on the spotted seals.


Dr. Zhou made seven recommendations on the follow-up protection of spotted seals in the areas of conservation management, scientific research, publicity and education, law enforcement and legal literacy:


1. Strengthen the relevant work on autopsy of dead spotted seals, the analysis of their rescue process, the collection and collation of data test report, analyze the causes of death, and aid with summing up, improving and standardizing the rescue work;


2. There is a need for whole-gene sampling, testing and strengthening of scientific research;


3. To sum up lessons learned, strengthen publicity and education on the law popularization of fishermen, and improve the effectiveness of the work of protected areas;


4. It is recommended to promote the full ecological identification and management of animals in the marine aquarium/sea world locations.


5. To deal with criminals who steal spotted seals from the law enforcement, to dig out all the chain of interests, including acquisitions, sales and other links, and to establish a mechanism for prevention and early warning;


6, Promote the construction of local laws and regulations, and promote the protection of the national nature;


7, On the basis of the National Spotted Seals Reserve, promote the construction of “China Conservation Areas for Spotted Seals", so that the community, volunteers, the public widely participate in the protection.


In addition, Dr. Zhou also mentioned that Dalian is worthy of praise for its rapid and professional performance in the process of spotted seals rescue.


At the same time, he hopes that Dalian Government concerned will continue to be more open and inclusive in terms of information disclosure and public participation. For the overall rescue work, CBCGDF International expert Dr. Platto proposed the need for an independent rescuing center, the aquarium to carry out rescue is easy to trigger the place’s existing animals to be infected with the object of rescuing or cause outbreaks of disease. Dr. Zhou also paid great attention to this.


CBCGDF sincerely hopes that this "International Day of the Seal" Seminar can help and promote the protection of the spotted seals, enrich the existing plans to protect the them, and the conservation work on the endangered and adorable spotted seals is of incalculable significance.


In the "International Day of the Seal", CBCGDF also carried out several other important and significant activities around the theme of protecting spotted seals: The CBCGDF "Spotted Seals girl" went to the Beijing Zhong Ke Qi Yuan School, shared the story of the protection of spotted seals with the kid – biodiversity conservation education begins with the future generation; The local volunteer force involved with the CBCGDF “China Conservation Area for Spotted Seals at Panjin" in a very vivid cleaning up the beach activity, clean the Liaodong Bay area, to welcome the seals home safely; The volunteer communities in different areas carried out field investigations to find out whether the sources of the aquarium's spotted seals were legal.







(Photo credit: CBCGDF)

Original Chinese article:


By / Niu Jingmei