7 living pangolins secured from restaurants have all died | CDCGDF advice: should secure effort prioritize releasing them to nature as soon as possible
2018/9/17 19:05:00 本站

In late August, over ten media reported that a restaurant which had done long-term pangolin business was uncovered by the police of Jintan, Zhejiang Province. 7 living and over 40 frozen pangolins were seized. After being found, the living ones were sent to Changzhou Zoo for medical treatment, said the coverage.


Knowing the case, CBCDGF contacted Changzhou Zoo. We were told that the 7 living ones, sent here three months ago, had been in very healthy conditions. It thus led to high stress reactions when they were put into a new environment, even though they had enjoyed “Five-Star Rescue” immediately. At beginning, only 2, 3 among all the 7 pangolins not given enema could barely ate. Given that, staff of the zoo had to resort to information of pangolin feeds overseas and added some improvements, but very little progress could been seen. 


Meanwhile, experts had invited to the zoo for spot check of these creatures but their breed still remained unclear to us. Yet according to their observation, they were unlikely manis pentadacytla. At the point, all the animals were died; the last one had been found died last month.


34 pangolins from Guangxi, 2 from Guangdong, and 7 from Zhejiang, being rescued through innumerable efforts all doomed to death, even after they were sent to treatment. As such, CBCGDF advises, rescued pangolins, after their species are identified, should first be quarantined and then released in 30-45 days if they are local kind. Seized living bodies in illegal trade should be dealt in the light of CITES.

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(Photo source: CCTV News APP)

Original Chinese article:


By / Liu Lu