Nature-watching: The Origin, Value, and Significance
2023/7/3 14:42:00 本站

"Nature-watching" is a concept proposed by Dr. Zhou Jinfeng, the Secretary-General of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation, in July 2020. It aims to promote the mainstreaming of biodiversity and enhance public scientific literacy by encouraging the observation and appreciation of nature, thereby contributing to biodiversity conservation. The origin and significance of this concept embody respect for nature and the protection of biodiversity.

Due to the continuous expansion of human activities and increased resource utilization, the natural environment on Earth is facing severe challenges. The decline in biodiversity, ecosystem destruction, and the threat of species extinction have garnered widespread attention. Against this backdrop, Dr. Zhou Jinfeng proposed the concept of "nature-watching" to encourage people to reconnect with nature, foster a sense of awe, and strengthen biodiversity conservation through observation and experience of the natural world.

"Nature-watching" emphasizes the harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. It calls for a departure from excessive development and consumption of nature, instead advocating for interaction with nature through observation, experience, and appreciation. Through nature-watching, people can gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the beauty and wonders of the natural world, thereby cultivating awareness and actions for nature conservation.

The significance of this concept lies in reminding people that nature is not only our resource and survival condition but also our spiritual sustenance and life support. Nature-watching helps people rediscover various organisms and ecosystems in the natural world, becoming aware of their importance and fragility. Through nature-watching, we can understand that biodiversity forms the foundation of Earth's ecosystems and that humans, along with other species, co-create a complex and intricate network of life.

Furthermore, nature-watching can promote the development of ecotourism and environmental education. As urbanization advances, more and more people live within the confines of concrete walls and are immersed in bustling city life. Consequently, the next generation, growing up in such an environment, often suffers from "nature deficit." Through nature-watching activities, people can rebuild their connection with nature, experience its beauty firsthand, and appreciate its wisdom, thereby deepening their understanding of the natural environment. At the same time, nature-watching can also bring sustainable development opportunities to the local economy, encouraging people to achieve economic benefits while protecting nature.

In conclusion, the concept of "nature-watching" emphasizes the interaction and interdependence between humans and nature. Through observing and experiencing nature, people can enhance their respect and awareness of nature, promoting biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. The introduction of this concept provides a new perspective and path for the general public in the era of ecological civilization to rethink ways of coexistence with nature.

Over the course of three full years, from 2020 until 2023, CBCGDF has mobilized numerous citizen scientists in the pursuit of nature-watching - observing, documenting, and appreciating nature. Some of these observation data have also been published on the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), providing global scientists with valuable information for scientific research. The clicking/playing of CBCGDF Media's nature-watching series' articles and videos has surpassed a milestone of one hundred million. "Nature-watching" has also become a widely recognized term in mainstream media.


1. Zhou Jinfeng suggests organizing "Nature-watching Festival" in Yueyang Quyuan Management District

2. What should be considered when photographing birds in the wild? Refer to the "Code of Ethics for Nature Photography" (T/CGDF 00008-2020)


Compiled by: littlejane

Editor: Tommy

Contact:; +8617319454776



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