Outline of CBCGDF's "Biodiversity Encyclopedia" (Draft for Comments) Released: Suggestions welcome!
2023/6/6 15:44:00 本站

To promote the building of a shared future for all life on the Earth, and to mainstream the biodiversity, the Editorial Committee of the "Biodiversity Encyclopedia" of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) and the E-Journal of “Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development” have jointly developed the outline of the "Biodiversity Encyclopedia" (Draft for Comments), which is now officially released, including 12 chapters in total.


To ensure the comprehensiveness, science and professionalism of this outline, the Editorial Committee of CBCGDF's "Biodiversity Encyclopedia" is now open for comments. And the deadline for comments is June 15, 2023. If you have comments and suggestions, please send your feedback by email: v57@cbcgdf.org


About "Biodiversity Encyclopedia"

The Editorial Committee of CBCGDF's "Biodiversity Encyclopedia" was formally established in April 2023, which marks that CBCGDF will systematically strengthen the dissemination of biodiversity science and promote the mainstreaming of biodiversity conservation-related knowledge, concepts, actions and practices.


Biodiversity conservation has been the top priority of CBCGDF since its establishment. The three levels of biodiversity, including ecosystem diversity, species diversity and genetic diversity, are closely related to everyone.


An encyclopedia in the field of biodiversity is a high-quality way to enhance the popularization of biodiversity science, promote green development through biodiversity conservation, and build global consensus. The editorial work of the "Biodiversity Encyclopedia" will combine relevant research on biodiversity and good practices of biodiversity conservation at home and abroad, and present it in a way suitable for all people to read.


Original Chinese Article:


Translator: Samantha

Editor: Samantha  

Contact: V10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776



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