Who is Spreading the Pomacea canaliculate Panic? 6,000 Parasites in a P. Canaliculata? Where does that Come from?
2022/7/15 13:52:00 本站

The Pomacea canaliculate is one of the well-known invasive alien species in China. The chemical control methods for controlling it, such as the use of " niclosamide ", may be highly toxic to aquatic organisms such as fish and frogs. The best way to control them, then, might be to eat them.


Of course, it should be fully heated or boiled when eating them. As long as there is a market demand for "eat them", any invasive alien species can be “taken care of”.

However, it is unknown who is spreading the panic that "the Pomacea canaliculate cannot be eaten because 6,000 parasites are waiting for you if you eat just one.


But no one is quite sure that which scientist, institution, or research team actually found 6,000 parasites in a single Pomacea canaliculate.

Not fabricating, believing, or spreading rumors is an important manifestation of the citizens’ scientific quality. The media should also provide a solid proof before disseminating information.

The head of the Endemic and Parasitic Disease Control Section of the Disease Control and Prevention Center, Kunming said: Since 2009 (2009-2017), we have begun to monitor Pomacea canaliculate. Among 3,000 Pomacea canaliculate samples every year, parasites were detected only once in 2013. Pomacea canaliculate have also been tested in other places and 750 parasites were found in one Pomacea canaliculate. While in our testing work in 2013, we only found two or three parasites in one Pomacea canaliculate.

What do you think?


Original Chinese Article: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/YrjpoRWXwEYAoIviUt9iSQ

Translator: Sara

Checked by Lucy

Editor: Daisy      

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776



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