The Heshanxia Water Conservancy Hub Project: Can it leave this "river with waves" for the Yellow River? Looking forward to reading the biodiversity chapter of the EIA report
2022/1/16 15:27:00 本站

When I read the December 2021 issue of Chinese National Geography, I was shocked to learn that Heishan Gorge, the most valuable habitat for indigenous fish in the Yellow River, would become the hot topic of water development. Is it possible to leave this section of the Yellow River as a "river with waves"? This is one of the few remaining wilderness sections, but it is the most valuable habitat for biodiversity!


The Yellow River is located in the upper reaches of the Yellow River "a few" bend in the junction of Gansu and Ningxia, the natural habitat of the Mother River, which is rich in biodiversity, has long been interrupted by numerous large and small water conservancy projects, interrupting the natural ecological connectivity, and made all over the body.

In fact, the 2018 Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation Program for Key Basins, issued by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and the Ministry of Water Resources, clearly states that a serious challenge facing aquatic biodiversity in the Yellow River Basin is the "impact of water-related construction on aquatic biological resources and their habitats" --Aquatic biological resources have been reduced, and the number of threatened fish species accounts for 14.7% of the total. The distribution range of common economic fish such as the northern copperhead and the Yellow River yarrow fish has been drastically reduced, and even become endangered species.


The level of biodiversity in the Yellow River basin is an important indicator of the health of the ecosystem. Nowadays, the upper reaches of the Yellow River have already been developed with frequent water conservancy steps, and groups of reservoirs are connected. Wild plants and animals do not speak. Who will speak up for them?

At the moment, it is reported that the project proposal stage of the Ningxia Heishanxia Water Conservancy Project is nearly complete, and the feasibility study report revision has been completed. I am looking forward to (and will be watching closely) the "feasibility study" report to be made public, to listen to multiple opinions, to ensure that the environmental impact assessment is done properly, and to establish an effective public participation mechanism.

Some habitat destruction, after the loss of how many times the "ecological restoration" cannot be replaced.

Yellow River Basin ecological protection and quality development is a complex system engineering, on some major issues, in the planning process to be studied in depth, scientific evidence. I hope that the relevant departments and experts are not rushing to share the "1.29 trillion" large plate, ignoring the interests of future generations, ignoring the harmonious coexistence of man and nature and sustainable development.

China's commitment and actions to biodiversity conservation have attracted global attention. How many experts in biodiversity and social organizations were involved in the feasibility study of the Heihe Gorge water conservancy project? The author would like to know.

China's commitment and actions for biodiversity conservation are globally noticed. How many experts in biodiversity and social organizations were involved in the feasibility study of this Black Hills Gorge water conservancy project? The author would like to know.

China has just hosted the first part of the 15th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP15) in 2021, with the theme of "Ecological Civilization: Building a Community of Life on Earth". In 2022, in addition to being the host country, China will also hold the Conference of the Parties to the International Convention on Wetlands. The biodiversity assessment part of the environmental impact assessment of the Heshan Gorge water conservancy project will also be of great interest to the world.

The central government now requires that major biodiversity conservation projects be promoted, supervision and enforcement efforts be stepped up, conservation capacity and management be further improved, and important ecosystems, biological species and biogenetic resources be comprehensively protected, so a biodiversity assessment must be done. In other words, there should be a special chapter on biodiversity assessment in all environmental impact assessment reports. This is the basis for decision making.



1. This article represents the author's own views only.

2. The source of the pictures: the author's own subscription to the magazine "China National Geography", If it infringes, it will be removed.

Original Chinese Article:



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