The National Forestry and Grassland Administration is Going to be Inspected. Is the Asian Black Bear Saved?
2020/9/1 15:27:00 本站

According to the information on the website of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the second round of the second batch of central environmental inspections will be fully launched in the near future. This time, in addition to stationing in three provinces (cities) and two central enterprises, the inspection team will also station in relevant departments of the State Council for the first time to conduct pilot inspections of the National Energy Administration and the National Forestry and Grassland Administration. The seventh group of the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Supervision Group is stationed in the National Forestry and Grass Administration. The group leader is Yu Guangzhou, a member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee, deputy director of the Economic Committee, and former director of the General Administration of Customs. The deputy group leader is Zhai Qing, deputy minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment.


This is good news. It’s believed that many environmentalists are willing to take this opportunity to report problems to the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspection Team and urge the National Forestry and Grass Administration to perform its duties.


For example


In July 2020, China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) animal protection volunteers investigated a black bear farm (Jinguang Bear Farm) in Raoping County, Guangdong Province. This farm covers an area of more than 200 mu and domesticates and breeds more than 200 Asian black bears.


Moreover, the Jinguang Bear Farm is also a tourist spot. According to the tourists who have visited, according to the growth cycle of Asian black bears and the age of sexual maturity, the entire area is divided into the big bear zone, the middle bear zone and the little bear zone. Visitors are allowed to visit the middle bears and the cute little bears. The scene where bear bile is taken alive is actually not for tourists to visit.


The Jinguang Bear Farm proclaims that “It not only guarantees the health and safety of black bears, but also satisfies human needs for the precious medicinal material of black bear bile, and achieves a win-win situation for the health of black bears and human health”. Don’t know if you believe these words, the author of this article does not believe them anyway!


Animal protection volunteers saw at the Jinguang Bear Farm: In a 300-400 square shed made of cement bricks, the corners of the walls have gaps through them, which is also conducive to ventilation.


There are ceiling fans on the ceiling, and iron cages are neatly stacked from the corner of the shed to the middle of the shed. Black bears live in the iron cages of several square meters, and their world is between square inches.


The "legal breeding" of Jinguang Bear Farm is based on the 1994 National Key Protected Wildlife Domestication and Breeding License issued by the Guangdong Forestry Department.


Previously, CBCGDF volunteers had reported in writing to the Chaozhou Forestry Bureau that the Jinguang Bear Farm domesticated and bred Asian black bears. Has the "National Key Protected Wild Animal Domestication and Breeding License" expired? Has the "Wild Animal Business Permit" been obtained for the related products of bile extraction from live bears? Have the extraction of relevant products of the live bear bile obtained the relevant sanitary inspection standard license? These questions have yet to find answers.


Moreover, we believe that the issue of taking bear bile alive is not an isolated example. There are also a series of problems such as extraction of live river deer treasures, cutting velvet antler alive, and taking musk alive, etc.


These issues not only involve the cruelty of animals, but also the legality of wild animal breeding and utilization.


This time, please ask the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspection Team to help find the answer.




Original Chinese article:

By / Zhang Daqian Modified / Niu Jingmei

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