Repost: GGBN-Global Genome Initiative Awards Call for Proposals
2020/1/27 18:26:00 本站

As an observer of the Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN), China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) has been noticed the call for proposals for the GGBN-GGI 2020 Awards Program. The program provides funding for projects that support the discoverability of new genetic collections through the Global Genome Biodiversity Network's Data Portal. The next submission deadline for proposals will be April 24 2020. The proposal review committee will consider requests for up to 30,000 USD with clearly articulated budget justifications. All data from funded projects must be made available online on the GGBN Portal before 1 September 2021.


For more information on the GGBN-GGI Awards Program, including information on how to apply, please visit the Global Genome Biodiversity Network-Global Genome Initiative Awards Program Page:



(Photo credit:

By / Maggie