Eco-Singer ArDuo Gulie Visited CBCGDF to Discuss Biodiversity Conservation
2019/12/31 15:46:00 本站

On December 23, ArDuo Gulie and her colleagues visited China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) discussed the biodiversity conservation with the representative of the CBCGDF Secretariat.


Both sides mainly discussed the conservation of endangered species such as Western black crested gibbon (Latin scientific name: Nomascus concolor). Western black crested gibbon is one of the most important protected wild animals in China. It is also a critically endangered species on the IUCN Red List. It mainly inhabits in the tropical rainforest, monsoon forest and subtropical mid-mountain wet broadleaved forest in Southeast Asia. It is a typical arboreal small ape. In China, it is mainly distributed in Yunnan. Arduo comes from the Yi nationality. Her ancestors have lived in Wuliang Mountain for more than 1000 years, taking Gibbons as a totem. Her family has a deep understanding of nature-based on traditional beliefs and practices on how to get along with nature harmoniously. For example, they believe that the human voice is only one kind of music. All creatures, animals, and plants in our world have their way of expression. This is the chorus of the whole world. Music should be natural, alive and able to talk with all ancestors.


During this talk, the representatives of CBCGDF highly affirmed ArDuo Gulie’s passion, innovation and efforts to promote biodiversity conservation with music, and introduced the China Conservation Area System (CCAfa) and typical cases to ArDuo Gulie.


According to CBCGDF, the protection of this critically endangered species of gibbon not only embodies the deep participation of indigenous peoples and communities but also has the basis of traditional culture and belief, which is of typical significance in the context of the global biodiversity loss. Especially in the context of the upcoming 15th Conference of the Parties (CBD COP15) of the Convention on biological diversity in China and the birth of a new post-2020 biodiversity framework, more people from all walks of life need to join in the ranks of natural conservation.

(Photo credit: ArDuo Gulie)

Original Chinese article:

By / Li Xue