CBCGDF's Submission for Draft Consideration by the CBD COP14 (I)
2018/12/16 18:59:00 本站

[Editor's Note:] Lately, CBCGDF colleagues answered the calls of the colleagues from IUCN/WCPA/OECMs, in terms of the “OECMs | Second Interim update from COP 14” and submitted relevant materials of efforts toward the Post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.


This is remarkable because following the adoption of OECM guidelines, an important next step is to comprehensively map and document the conservation interventions that may ultimately be recognized as OECMs. OECMs will help recognize important contributions to the conservation of biodiversity occurring outside PAs and generate a range of important innovations across landscapes and seascapes in the run-up to and beyond 2020.


Also, a progress has been made at CBD COP 14: Agenda Item 24 (‘Spatial Planning, Protected Areas and OECMs’) was considered in Working Group very recently. The Chair requested that Parties provide written submissions to the Secretariat.


CBCGDF is an important member of IUCN, Dr. Zhou Jinfeng, the Secretary-General of CBCGDF is a member of WCPA as well as its OECMs (Task Force on Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures). Hence, as our international colleagues are updating on the process and substance of the draft decision know as a conference room paper (CRP), and they are making their assessment now and looking forward to our thoughts, CBCGDF colleagues have provided our work efforts as follows:


China Conservation Area (for something at somewhere) a.k.a CCAfa;


Oppose Electro Fishing Union of CBCGDF (public participation in the Conservation);


Anti-poaching and illegal wildlife trade;


Say NO to inappropriate wildlife release


China’s youth generation’s participating in biodiversity conservation

China Conservation Area for Something at Somewhere - CCAfa


In 2010, the 10th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 10/CBD) adopted the Aichi Biodiversity Targets as part of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020. Target 11 calls for "at least 17 percent of terrestrial and inland water areas and 10 percent of coastal and marine areas" to be conserved by way of "well-connected systems of protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures" (OECMs).


In the post-2020 plan, China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) believes that the influence and status of OECMs should be carried on and also greatly emphasized. The OECMs is and will be an impactful approach to supplement the existing national protected areas all over the world.


China Conservation Area for something at somewhere (CCAfa) is exactly one of the typical cases for OECMs.


In April 2016, local wildlife volunteers from Changyuan, Henan Province came to Dr. Jinfeng Zhou, the Secretary-General of CBCGDF and stated the efforts and challenges from protecting one of the endangered bird species Great Bustard from the poachers and poisoners. Dr. Zhou was very touched and encouraged by the great efforts made by the local residents and citizen scientists, and he decided to establish the system to support and incorporate all strengths to protect biodiversity. That is the origin of the CCAfa. Also, CBCGDF as part of the effort of the conservation of Great Bustard, a concerted action plan for the conservation of Great Bustard has been approved by the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals during the 12th Convention of Parties (CMS COP12) in October 2017.


CCAfa is an important system introduced by the CBCGDF. CCAfa has a wide coverage, with protected objects include but not limit to dozens of endangered fauna and flora species, migratory birds, dark sky, ancient trees, cultural relics and historic heritages, coral reefs, etc. It takes a holistic approach towards conservation include but not limited to: establish a partnership with local communities, grassroots NGOs, local governments, the private sector, and other stakeholders.


For the past 2 years, the CCAfa has been proved working very well as a supplementary protected area mechanism to China's existing national protected areas system. As of now, more than 100 CCAfas were established nationwide to fully mobilize and rally the government and folk efforts to jointly contribute to the cause of protecting biological diversity among many others.


The CCAfa sites distribution map (Courtesy of CBCGDF research team)


CBCGDF volunteer protected the endangered species Acer pentaphyllum in winter (Photo credit: CBCGDF volunteers)


(Photo credit: CBCGDF volunteers)

The "CCAfa" Part is written by Shuya